Quote Originally Posted by Aswald View Post
I don't think that's the case with what I found. Some of the links directed me to sites like GOG Games, so whatever site I was on was likely legit. Since many games were created by companies that no longer exist and were never bought up (including the rights to the games), many of them are in fact in a Limbo- abandoned.
Just pointing out that abandonware is not a proper legal term. Granted yeah companies that don't exist anymore are unlikely to care if you download their games, and honestly I'm no legal eagle.... but just, yeah, don't get blindsided if someone with legal authority contradicts you on this.

I've seen weird cases where a page will link to GOG.... but then still offer the game for download for free. Like, seems like a bit of a conflict of interest there.

Funny thing- there are two Mobile versions of DosBox-type software that run on my crummy Windows CE Sylvania netbook (with a whopping 50MB available...offline...): pckDOS and PocketDOS. The former is overall superior to the latter except for its inability to properly display CGA games like "Wizardry" and "Shadowgate." You get a jumble that looks like two small screens next to each other. PocketDOS handles them, but sound is inferior or non-existent.
That sounds perfect for Wizardry, which didn't have sound anyway.

Did you ever see my post about Wizardry with my "Tales from Wizardry" stories? I really should do something similar soon.