I should never read these threads before going to bed...

Annnyway: complaing about the N64 controller is like complaining about the Atari VCS joystick. How can you play with that now? One button, a stick that takes some effort to get movement...these are not my words but those of my kids. My sticks are in great shape but it does take more effort than what the modern gamer is used to. My 3 year old can use an N64 controller and successfully move Mario around. Playing Pac-Man or Frogger on 2600 is a struggle.

To me the N64 controller is tied with the 360 controller as the "best" controller released. The pistol style grip of the 64 automatically felt natural to me, like shaking a friend's hand. Holding the outer "spokes" for 2D style games or titles that worked best with the D-Pad was also comfortable. The only real problem was that Nintendo designed the controller more toward 3D gaming, so popular genres like 2D fighters andcthe like didn't seem to port as well. But man...we had racing games.

As for graphics-yeah the early 3D can be rough on eyes used to the more modern visuals. However, Playstation ain't all it's cracked up to be. And Saturn? Weelll..... Jaguar is more"Sicky-Sore" than Sixty Four in that department.

Titles- that's always subjective. Sure many will rattle if the Rare titles, Nintendo's, Midway's, etc. No different than Playatation. What do peopke talk about most? Final Fantasy, Metal Gear, Castlevania:SOTN, Silent Hill, Gran Turismo. Take the ratio of great games on PS and then on N64 and I have a feeling they would be similar. I will agree RPGs were wanting on N64 but then again from what I played on PS...I'd rather play than watch cut scenes.

FPS games...while subjective I'll take Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Doom 64 (even with the motion on that game pushing my guts to yarp-factor 9) over Medal of Honor, Rainbow Six and the like. Goldeneye with four players-never got old.