I love Sim games, especially the ones from the early-mid 2000s. I started off with SimTown in 1997, when I was 4 years old. I still play SimCity 4 to this day. Many say it's too difficult and complex but if you get the Rush Hour expansion pack (or Deluxe Edition) and play it on easy mode it's perfect. To put it in perspective, the day I got SimCity 4 I was in the BACK seat of my mom's car because I wasn't old enough to sit in the front, now I'm 27 still playing the same game. It has loads of creative freedom and that's why I love this genre - the creative freedom. I also played The Sims 2 for many years (2004-2015) until my new computer could no longer run it. I built huge, lavish mansions in the Sims 2, that was a lot of fun. Beyond that, I got almost a decade out of SimCity 3000 and played it concurrently with 4 for several years. I have played SimCity 2000 and SimCity on SNES but by the time I was old enough to really figure out how to play SimCity, 3000 was already out. I enjoyed SimCity Societies to some extent but it was a major drop in quality over 4, and being a late-2000s EA game, developed running issues on my computer. I also loved Spore until it, again, crapped out after a couple years.

I enjoy SimCity SNES. It's not as complex as 2000, 3000 or 4, but for 1991 (really 1989, as that's when it first came out on PC) it's beyond impressive. Of the "classic" SimCity games (original through 4), 2000 is the only one that seems somewhat pointless in today's world, it was awesome in the '90s but today, 3000 gives pretty much the same experience as 2000 but with more polish.

I've always wanted to go back and play some of the '90s titles like SimTower and SimAnt.

The lone Sim game I've found that was bad was the 2013 SimCity. They dumbed it down way too much, implemented very heavy-handed DRM, and released a broken, buggy piece of crap. I waited for that game for years and then got it at launch. I think I saw the poor reviews but held out hope, thinking it might be another Driv3r, as in a badly reviewed game that turns out fun. Nope. It was another Sonic '06, a badly reviewed game that ends up even worse than the reviews say it will. Not to mention it was rated E10 but to play it, you had to register online which required you to be 13 or older. Imagine if a bar had a sign that said 21+ but once you got in, the bouncer checked your ID and made sure you were at least 25. Even though I was 20 at the time - well beyond the 13+ "hidden" age limit - I was disgusted. I played a lot of SimCity when I was 10-12 and I hate hidden age limits. E10 means there should be nothing stopping someone from playing the full game on their 10th birthday.