Don't worry: cancellations aren't negatively affecting the developer. I don't know the details of their agreement with the publisher, but the dev. is OK. However, it was actually the dev. - not the publisher - that chose to limit the number of copies to 84 for the Limited Limited Edition and 484 for the regular Limited Edition. (I still don't like that naming scheme, though.)

The reason for the odd (even) numbering is that the game was heavily inspired by Robotron: 2084. It is actually meant to be a "spiritual sequel" to Robotron: 2084, taking place after all of the last humans were killed by the other robots.

The dev. team actually finished most of the developmental design and content creation years ago (music, sound effects, graphics, controls, level design, power-ups, getting it to run on Dreamcast, etc.). The last several years have actually been spent basically only on debugging!