There's also this text list if anyone wants to see the lineup at a quick glance:

I'm glad Papers, Please is finally coming out of limbo. It's ridiculous how long LRG is sitting on these last couple Vita games.

That I'll definitely pick up, but I'm also leaning toward getting Curse of the Moon 2, Castlevania Anniversary Collection, and Shantae. I still don't have a Switch, so I guess I'd go with PS4 for the first two. I'd much rather play Curse of the Moon 2 on my Vita, like the first one, but even if they did a digital release, a Western physical release for Vita is obviously impossible at this point. I don't care too much about platform for the Castlevania collection. I want it more just because I'm such a big fan of the franchise (even met my husband through our mutual love of the series) than for playing purposes. I already have carts of all the games on the collection and would be more inclined to pull those out for playing through the games, though I am interested in seeing what, if any, localization work they did on Kid Dracula. With Shantae, I'd love to own the original, but I too am not about to pay the insane prices. I've be thinking for a while that I'd settle on the Virtual Console version on 3DS, but if I can get a legit copy (albeit only half-licensed) I can pop into my GBA SP, that'd be better yet.