So it has a death grip on the carts like other crap connectors from 15 years ago? Just more garbage then. With a death grip it's wearing away the contacts from the game carts, it's going to ruin your games in the long run. Plus marking up the cases by using pliers isn't something I'll ever want to do.

I'm going to hate buying used NES games 5-10 years from now when everything will be beat up from crappy replacement connectors and poor quality "aftermarket" consoles. It's like finding used PS1 games now that look like they were used as drink coasters. So much for the hobby.

Also, if you're just wanting an NES for an Air BnB, just get something aftermarket with built in games like those fake famiclones or use some type of emulation setup. People into retro stuff today are mostly hipsters who don't really want to deal with old finicky things. They want a modern HD widescreen display, so you'll need something that can easily hook up to it. They'll probably want to stretch out the games to widescreen too. If you have a real NES I'm sure it'll be broken pretty quickly, and people would step on the games or something. Some type of cheap arcade cabinet would also work instead of an NES. You're attracting hipsters rather than real collectors.