Quote Originally Posted by Greg2600 View Post
Wow, ha ha, I had no idea there was another show. I think they setup another set somewhere. Plus FWIW, James' rental store were just sets he too setup at some studio space I guess he rents. Ppl say the basement is fake too now, but I don't think the couch area is.
I just assumed it was all still in James' basement as he gave lots of tours of it over the years and it looks pretty much the same, I didn't think he duplicated the sets somewhere else though that's certainly possible.

People were saying the games area is fake since it got changed after he moved, I'm not completely sure as it could be either way. It really depends on how large his home is, he does have a family that would need plenty of space of their own.

Quote Originally Posted by gbpxl View Post
For the record, I think 4/5 of the "entertainers" in said videos are pretty stand up guys. That's only 1 person there I am not a fan of and believe me, I don't go out of my way to watch videos if it's just them or him and 1 other person.
I don't hate them or think they're bad people, as best as I can tell at least. I just find them mostly annoying or boring for some reason. I still remember one or two of them from the Game Chasers thing from years ago and didn't like that. Mostly bragging about the "great" finds they had, to the people that just sold them the games. Like just buying a game for $5 and then telling the seller that it's worth $20, something like that. Or mostly bragging to the audience at the end of the episode about the great deals they found like finding a game for $12 that's worth $15, or finding one for $25 that's worth $30-$35.

They just seemed like the type to jump on whatever is popular, but do it less well or interesting compared to who else was already doing it. I don't really care if people are just doing it for fun, but these people are making videos as a full time job so it feels different.

Quote Originally Posted by gbpxl View Post
I tried watching Talking About Tapes, it's just not the same without the other guys. I dont know all their names.
It's just not the same without those unique memorable individuals like What's-His-Face and So-And-So.

I just found it funny how you're missing these individuals yet don't know their names. I don't know their names either but I never really got attached to them. It's actually a problem they caused by not clearly introducing themselves or clearly mentioning their names during the shows. I find they just talk over each other mostly. It's not a problem that Red Letter Media has, you can see the difference in professional ability between their work.