Quote Originally Posted by Gameguy View Post
There are still good games, though far less common than they used to be. I just don't find games as innovative as they were during the 90's, when technological improvements actually led to significant new styles of gameplay. How games improved in the 16-bit era compared to earlier games, had much improved interfaces, and then when 3D was new and plenty of new types of games were being made that way, right through the PS2 era with better performance and better controls in place.
I can't find anything to disagree with here, honestly. I've been going through my game collection recently, and this post started me thinking as well: if I had to make a top 10 or top 20 from each decade, which games would be in it? The 1990s wins hands-down...I can't limit myself even to a top 20, it has to be more like a top 30. So many classic, genre-defining games in that decade, which includes the tail end of the NES (when some of the best games of the platform came out), the entire SNES, and the early 3D era.

Even within series or genres you have multiple megahits. The decade has both Zelda: A Link to the Past and Zelda: Ocarina of Time; it has Wolfenstein 3D, Doom, and Quake; it has Super Mario 3 (for the U.S.), Super Mario World, and Super Mario 64; it has Warcraft II, Command & Conquer, Starcraft, and Age of Empires II; it has Street Fighter II, Mortal Kombat, and Virtua Fighter. All that and I've barely scratched the surface! There's a reason why we're seeing a focus these days on "remastered" editions of some of these games...no one has really topped them. Gotta be honest, it's hard to imagine having a decade as good as this ever again.