All the Vita stuff stuff I was playing lately I was going through while staying with family for around a month (first time seeing most of my family in three years and first time most got to meet my daughter), and like usual, my motivation to play whatever I'm messing around with while "on vacation" (not really, because I was still taking work here and there) peters out when I return home and get back to the normal grind. So I'm just wrapping stuff up to eventually start up something new. I mentioned in the Beaten in 2022 topic that I returned to Tokyo Tattoo Girls after years. Actually, the last time I had been playing that was the previous time I visited family. This time, I finished clearing all four difficulties with all six girls. The Extreme/Expert difficulty (the game can't decide which to call it) actually wasn't as challenging for me as Hard. I guess I had solidified my strategies by then, and all the items I unlocked for the HQ probably made a big difference. Anyway, that's completed enough for me. The platinum trophy is impossible to get because another trophy is glitched and unobtainable. The only thing left I could do is go for the trophies where you gotta play through the game eight times with each girl. But that's just mindless grinding busywork. I'm not gonna run through the game 24 more times. So that's been shelved and so has Proteus. I did quickly get to the end of my third file in Proteus to get the trophy for that, but I just can't be bothered to do the ones with the stones and plants. Another "maybe someday but probably not." Pix the Cat I haven't touched in over a month, and I'm torn on if I want to get back to it. It is a fun game, and my in-game percentage was 91%. I was also pretty close to getting the flower bonus in every Nostalgia stage. But there's not much left for me to do in the game, and what's left is so tough that I don't know if I'm in the mood for it.

I did return to BoxBoy on 3DS, which I dropped when I left home because I didn't want to pack the 3DS. I was pleasantly surprised with how easy it was to jump back in, even though I left off on the post-game bonus stages. I pretty quickly blew through those, and I've collected all the crowns in the game (never beat a stage without doing so, actually), so I've unlocked Marathon mode. I also still haven't tried out the challenges unlockable in the shop. So I'll check out that stuff, but I don't foresee myself playing this much longer either.