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Thread: Beaten in 2022

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    Default Beaten in 2022

    I guess I'll get the topic started this year!

    1. Shantae (GBC) 1/1

    I would've liked to have squeezed this into 2021, but I just barely missed the cut, as I had it beaten around 1am. I bought the Limited Run Games GBC reprint, and I think I started it not long after I received my copy. But there were a lot of things at the start of the game I found off-putting, so I dropped it for a long while. I eventually picked it back up and made myself push through the beginning and found it got more enjoyable once you can extend your life bar and gain new abilities. Then things like the really cheap hits from enemies that spawn right on top of you don't matter as much. It's similar to 80s adventure games like Zelda and Metroid in that the beginning of the game is the hardest part. I'd say I overall found the game to be pretty good, despite the initial hurdle. But I do think it's hyped up too much. It goes without saying that it's not worth the price of secondhand original copies, but that obscene price probably convinces people that it must be really amazing. I see a lot of people claim it's the best or one of the best GBC games, but I wouldn't go that far. I think a lot of other GBC games have it beat, even if they're perhaps less technically impressive, but it's solid. I look forward to trying the later games eventually and seeing if they improve on the formula and do away with the annoyances.

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    1. Shantae (GBC) 1/1
    2. Donkey Kong Country (GBA) 1/4

    I suppose I'm off to a good start this year, but I don't expect this momentum to last, haha. I got the GBA version of DKC3 a while back, mainly to hear the new soundtrack by Dave Wise (which I ultimately didn't find any better than the original soundtrack, despite being a big fan of Wise), but my husband got me the first two GBA ports for Christmas. It was almost exactly two years ago that I played through the GBC version of DKC, and it's funny how one's perspective on the passage of time changes so much with age. It feels like I played that one just yesterday, whereas, when I was a preteen/teen, it felt like a long time between each game in the series, despite the sequels coming out only a year after the prior, and I was replaying them plenty in between too. I usually want to give a game/series a break before I return to it, and I find it takes years now before it stops feeling like I played something just recently. Anyway, I blew through to the end of this version, but my percentage is still only like 70%, so I have a good bit more to do. Probably the most interesting thing about this version is how they altered boss battles to make them more varied and challenging. They're not huge changes, but still took me by surprise. Some of the extras are rehashed from the GBC version, but I mean in concept, not exact execution (thankfully, as it'd be boring if it played exactly like the GBC version). I like that the game keeps track of if you've gotten all of the KONG letters in a stage, as I've never gone too out of my way for them before, so that's something different for me. Candy's rhythm game is kinda garbage, though. I can't make heads or tails out of the timing the game wants. I've had most success just mashing the button that's coming up, but that's not gonna cut it for the harder ones. I haven't even attempted the mode where you race against the clock yet, so yeah, still plenty to do.

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    1. Alien Triilogy (PS1) 01/09/22
    2. Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Operation Resurrection (PS2) 02/10/22
    3. Max Payne (XBX) 02/27/22
    4. Star Trek Voyager - Elite Force (PS2) 04/06/22
    5. Metal Slug 4 (Metal Slug Anthology) (PS2) 04/13/22
    6. Metal Slug 5 (Metal Slug Anthology) (PS2) 04/13/22
    7. Gun (PS2) 04/20/22
    8. Metal Slug 6 (Metal Slug Anthology) (PS2) 04/20/22
    9. The Order 1886 (PS4) 04/29/22
    10. Cyberpunk 2077 (XBSX) 05/09/22
    11. Assassin's Creed Valhalla (XBSX) 06/18/22 (Probably the first game I've put 100 hours into.)
    12. Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days (PS3) 08/03/22
    13. Quantum of Solace (PS3) 08/08/22
    14. Astro's Playroom (PS5) 09/09/22
    Last edited by AceAerosmith; 09-10-2022 at 03:57 PM.
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    1. Shantae (GBC) 1/1
    2. Donkey Kong Country (GBA) 1/4
    3. StarHawk (GB) 3/1

    The ending for this game was as lackluster as the rest of it (not even any credits), but it was still interesting checking this game out and seeing if the secondhand price tag of the original is a product of its quality or rarity (definitely the latter). The most amusing part of the experience was the weird "intermission" in the second stage. The developer must've screwed up the coding for the enemy spawns or something because it's an awkwardly long stretch with absolutely nothing happening, not even terrain to avoid like in the odd-numbered stages. Anyway, I'm retiring this to the shelf for the foreseeable future. I did try out the first stage on Hard, but I couldn't tell what was different. Beating it on the default difficulty, even if it's called "Easy", is good enough for me.

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    1. Shantae (GBC) 1/1
    2. Donkey Kong Country (GBA) 1/4
    3. StarHawk (GB) 3/1
    4. Crimson Room Reverse (PSP) 3/21

    I was a little torn on how to list this game. It's technically a compilation of four individually released free Flash games, plus four more alternate rooms that are basically the same as the first four except with a few twists. You get a credits roll after escaping each room, and I usually count credits as indication that a game has been beaten (unless, like, they're a menu option you can view whenever or something). You also get nothing special after clearing all eight rooms. On top of that, I usually count the individual games I beat within compilations, like I have with the games in Super Mario All-Stars, Sega Smash Pack, Castlevania Double Pack, Monster World Collection, Dragon Warrior I & II, Legacy of Ys, Metal Gear Solid HD Collection, etc. In a lot of cases, I haven't cleared all the games in a compilation anyway, or I'll do so with years-long gaps in between the games. But even when I beat all the games back-to-back, like I did with Legacy of Ys and multiple times with Super Mario All-Stars, I'll still count the individual games. But I'm not about to count the "reverse" versions of these rooms as their own games, despite the credits, when they don't exist outside of this compilation. Anyway, all that said, the decision was kind of made for me in that I didn't bother to keep track of the exact dates I beat each room. I'm pretty sure I beat the Crimson Room on March 10, but the dates for everything else in between, I don't know.

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    1. Shantae (GBC) 1/1
    2. Donkey Kong Country (GBA) 1/4
    3. StarHawk (GB) 3/1
    4. Crimson Room Reverse (PSP) 3/21
    5. Klonoa: Door to Phantomile (PlayStation via Vita PSOne Classics) 4/25

    I guess you could say this is one I could check off my bucket list. I first played a demo of Klonoa back in the '00s, enjoyed it a lot, and figured the full game would be right up my alley, since I'm really big on 2.5D platformers of that era like Goemon's Great Adventure and Kirby 64. But I was always waffling on how I should go about playing it. I don't think I've ever even seen it in the wild. I imagine new copies had already dried up by the time I got a PlayStation in '99, and I don't recall ever seeing it used. When it was "only" like 50-60 bucks secondhand on eBay, I still thought that price was outrageous, and at today's prices? Yeah, not gonna happen. There was the Wii remake of course, and I did have a Wii when that came out, but I've always wanted to play the original 32-bit version (which then rules out the upcoming compilation too). I considered buying a Japanese copy, and I might still want to do that someday, but I'm glad I ultimately got it on PSN and played through it on my Vita. To begin with, handheld gaming is about the only kind of gaming I can fit into my life for the time being, but that aside, I'm glad I first experienced the game in English. That said, I've heard the ending hyped up as being so sad, so I don't think it had as much impact on me as a result. Not compared to, say, playing through Lufia 2 with no prior experience with or knowledge of the first Lufia. Anyway, the story is relatively inconsequential compared to the gameplay. Tight mechanics, good level design, a well-balanced difficulty curve, can't really ask for anything more. Plus really nice visuals and sound. Only thing I'd complain about is maybe the later stages got a little more puzzle-focused than I'd prefer from this kind of game. And maybe it would've been nice to have the option to return to old stages prior to beating it. But I'm just nitpicking, really. If I had played this back in the '90s or '00s, I think it could have become a series I'd get fixated on, but now that I'm older, I think I'm less impressionable in that way. But still, a very good game I'm glad I finally played to completion.

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    1. Shantae (GBC) 1/1
    2. Donkey Kong Country (GBA) 1/4
    3. StarHawk (GB) 3/1
    4. Crimson Room Reverse (PSP) 3/21
    5. Klonoa: Door to Phantomile (PlayStation via Vita PSOne Classics) 4/25
    6. BoxBoy! (3DS) 5/29

    This is not only the first 3DS game I've ever beaten, but it's also the first I've ever put any significant time into. My husband and I have two different models of the 3DS, but I've barely touched either. I bought a copy of Fire Emblem: Awakening a long time ago, and I think I briefly tried it out, and I also remember briefly trying Crashmo at my husband's insistence, but other than that, I had basically no 3DS experience prior to this. It's more or less been my husband's Etrian Odyssey machine, while I've been all about the Vita. It was kind of similar the previous generation, where my husband got a couple different models of the DS to play stuff he was interested in, while I was focusing on the PSP. But I did buy plenty of DS games and played through several myself. 3DS I've more thoroughly ignored. But the upcoming closure of the 3DS and Wii U eShops got me looking into digital-only 3DS exclusives. I've bought a couple with plans for more, but I started up BoxBoy! and had a good time going through it. I still have most of the bonus stages remaining, but I cleared the main story (and who would've guessed it'd have feels). These bonus stages are tricky, but the main game was pretty easy. That's fine by me, though, since tending to a toddler all day every day doesn't leave me with much mental or physical energy or time before bed. It's a simple, unassuming game but well worth the measly five bucks it costs.

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    Kinda sad that this has basically become my own personal topic. Anyway...

    1. Shantae (GBC) 1/1
    2. Donkey Kong Country (GBA) 1/4
    3. StarHawk (GB) 3/1
    4. Crimson Room Reverse (PSP) 3/21
    5. Klonoa: Door to Phantomile (PlayStation via Vita PSOne Classics) 4/25
    6. BoxBoy! (3DS) 5/29
    7. Proteus (Vita) 6/13

    I guess you could say I "beat" this "game". You don't get credits at the end. It just fades out back to the title screen in the same manner as if you just hold circle at any time, but I went through all four seasons, which is basically all there is to accomplish, minus the trophies, which I assume didn't exist in any form in the original release. It seems like there are two camps with this "game". Those who think it's pretentious and pointless and those who think the former group don't "get" it and/or are dudebros who don't like something unless there's shooting and action. I'd have to say I'm, more or less, in that former group. I wouldn't slight anyone for liking it. I could see it being a good meditative tool for, say, people with anxiety or depression. But then again, given the benefits of exercising, sunlight, fresh air, and nature for mental health, I think it'd be kinda sad for someone to settle for a digital version of that versus the real thing. And I say that as someone who loves games like Harvest Moon, because those actually have objectives and goals and interactivity that make them engaging. I also say all this as someone who generally hates people arguing against something getting the respect of being called a "game" (for whatever that's really worth). I love visual novels and absolutely think they're games because you get choices and use your best judgment to try to get a good ending. I also can enjoy stuff that's completely lacking in gameplay like kinetic novels and certain "walking simulators" where you're following an interesting story. But Proteus has really got squat. It tries to come off as deep and meaningful, but there's no story or explanation for anything. Any poignancy comes from people's imaginations running wild and making up their own meaning. It's just an empty island with some abstractly drawn flora and fauna and a few "landmarks", all of which you can only look at. The only thing you can accomplish is making time pass until it's over. Even the trophies don't add much because the descriptions are also pretentious and give you extremely little to work with in figuring out what to do to unlock them. So basically you randomly wander and hope to stumble across the ending, some trophies popping, or anything remotely interesting. Or you can look some things up and lessen the wandering like I did and wonder why Limited Run Games wasted Vita carts producing a physical run of this.

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    Ive only beaten a couple of games this year. I’m currently grinding through Days Gone and trying to make another run through Cyberpunk 2077.

    1 - Dirt 5 (PC): It’s hard to believe that this game came out in 2020. It got sandwiched in between Forza Horizon 4&5, so it didn’t get as much playtime.

    2 - Guardians of the Galaxy (PC): I’m glad that this was on Game Pass. It was a blast to play and I’m hoping to buy it once I get a PS5. It’s a keeper!

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    Completed "tmnt shredders revenge" many times at this point but i been replaying it trying to finish all of the challenges.Also going through the game with each character for there ending.

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    1. Shantae (GBC) 1/1
    2. Donkey Kong Country (GBA) 1/4
    3. StarHawk (GB) 3/1
    4. Crimson Room Reverse (PSP) 3/21
    5. Klonoa: Door to Phantomile (PlayStation via Vita PSOne Classics) 4/25
    6. BoxBoy! (3DS) 5/29
    7. Proteus (Vita) 6/13
    8. Tokyo Tattoo Girls (Vita) 7/2

    This is more of a resuming of where I left off, rather than starting from scratch, but each route is a complete playthrough, so I'm counting this as beaten again, after counting it in 2019 as well. I hadn't played it since then until just recently. Back then, I played through the routes of four of the six girls. Now I've cleared one more on Normal and then Easy and started up the last of the six on Normal. I also played through on Hard with the first couple girls. Hard is definitely a big jump in difficulty. Easy and Normal are both pretty mindless and practically play themselves, which sometimes is exactly what I'm in the mood for anyway. I lost on my first attempt on Hard and just barely survived through my next two. But I'm sure it'll get easier with the more rewards I unlock. I haven't even tried the hardest difficulty yet, but if it's another big jump over Hard, I don't know how I'd pull it off.

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    i 100%ed Hot Wheels Unleashed on PS4 today.

    i've been very sick and very bored...

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    1. Shantae (GBC) 1/1
    2. Donkey Kong Country (GBA) 1/4
    3. StarHawk (GB) 3/1
    4. Crimson Room Reverse (PSP) 3/21
    5. Klonoa: Door to Phantomile (PlayStation via Vita PSOne Classics) 4/25
    6. BoxBoy! (3DS) 5/29
    7. Proteus (Vita) 6/13
    8. Tokyo Tattoo Girls (Vita) 7/2
    9. Illusion of Gaia (SNES) 9/30

    Some minor annoyances aside, this was a great game that I'm glad I finally got around to. It's also the first home console game I've beaten (on a home console) since late 2019, minus a few puzzle games I played through in one sitting, so it feels good to sink some serious time into non-handheld gaming again. And now I've completed both games (this and Arcana) I bought in the early 2000s instead of another SNES game that I still don't have a cart of. The game I passed on? A copy of EarthBound that was priced around $25. I almost never dropped more than $20 for a used SNES cart in those days and thought I was getting a much better deal buying two RPG/adventure games for that much than just one, haha. Still one of my biggest game collecting mistakes. But I enjoyed this and Arcana and have still never played EarthBound and thus don't know if I'd like it, so who knows, maybe in terms of my own entertainment, I made the right choice. Either way, I picked up the Virtual Console release of EarthBound on 3DS, so I do have a legit copy of the game in that manner, and if I really want to play it on SNES someday, I've got a SNES flash cart too. But I digress. Illusion of Gaia was good fun, with or without comparison to anything else. Makes me want to explore Quintet's games more. I'm already a big fan of ActRaiser (and found it cute that Illusion of Gaia recycles some of its sound effects), but I have minimal to no experience with their other games. It's just a shame that many of their SNES games are stupidly expensive to get legit now.

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    1. Alien Triilogy (PS1) 01/09/22
    2. Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Operation Resurrection (PS2) 02/10/22
    3. Max Payne (XBX) 02/27/22
    4. Star Trek Voyager - Elite Force (PS2) 04/06/22
    5. Metal Slug 4 (Metal Slug Anthology) (PS2) 04/13/22
    6. Metal Slug 5 (Metal Slug Anthology) (PS2) 04/13/22
    7. Gun (PS2) 04/20/22
    8. Metal Slug 6 (Metal Slug Anthology) (PS2) 04/20/22
    9. The Order 1886 (PS4) 04/29/22
    10. Cyberpunk 2077 (XBSX) 05/09/22
    11. Assassin's Creed Valhalla (XBSX) 06/18/22 (Probably the first game I've put 100 hours into.)
    12. Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days (PS3) 08/03/22
    13. Quantum of Solace (PS3) 08/08/22
    14. Astro's Playroom (PS5) 09/09/22
    15. Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron (PSP) 10/12/22
    16. Titanfall 2 (PS4) 10/22/22
    17. Sniper Elite 4 (PS4) 11/16/22
    Last edited by AceAerosmith; 11-17-2022 at 04:12 PM.
    “The world has, forever and always, been brimming with shit-heads.” - Dana Gould

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    Been having a marathon of castlevania recently on the "castlevania anniversary collection" via ps4.I have completed most of it's games and earlier belmont revenge the only game left i need to beat is simon's quest.

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    1. Shantae (GBC) 1/1
    2. Donkey Kong Country (GBA) 1/4
    3. StarHawk (GB) 3/1
    4. Crimson Room Reverse (PSP) 3/21
    5. Klonoa: Door to Phantomile (PlayStation via Vita PSOne Classics) 4/25
    6. BoxBoy! (3DS) 5/29
    7. Proteus (Vita) 6/13
    8. Tokyo Tattoo Girls (Vita) 7/2
    9. Illusion of Gaia (SNES) 9/30
    10. Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (DS) 12/11

    Huh. I could've sworn this game was my 9th game beaten this year, and I was thinking I'd try to pick something short to finish before the year's end in order to hit 10, but apparently, I totally lost track and have hit that goal already. This is the first year since my daughter's birth that I've managed to hit double digits for my games beaten. If I were to set another goal, I'd go for 12 so I could average one a month, but the odds of me squeezing in two more in half a month, between Christmas and everything, are slim unless I get super-deliberate about my choices, but I'd rather just follow my whims in terms of what I start playing. It's hard to believe it's been a decade since I played through Harmony of Dissonance and Aria of Sorrow, but here I am finally starting to tackle the three DS Castlevania games. I actually started this in October and could've counted it as beaten then, considering I got the bad endings back then, but now I've gotten the proper, good ending, after doing a ton of soul-grinding that tripled the time I had on the clock. In the end, I racked up 30-some hours. That may not seem like a ton in the grand scheme of things (maybe a lot for this kind of game), but when I average 30-60 minutes of gaming time most nights (sometimes none), it makes sense that I'd still be playing even into December. I feel I better understand my childhood gaming now. Sometimes I'd wonder, as an adult, how I'd spend months on games, as a kid, that really weren't that long, but between not being that good back then and losing a lot and having a small window of gaming time after school, things got stretched out.
    Last edited by Aussie2B; 12-12-2022 at 07:15 PM.

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    1. Shantae (GBC) 1/1
    2. Donkey Kong Country (GBA) 1/4
    3. StarHawk (GB) 3/1
    4. Crimson Room Reverse (PSP) 3/21
    5. Klonoa: Door to Phantomile (PlayStation via Vita PSOne Classics) 4/25
    6. BoxBoy! (3DS) 5/29
    7. Proteus (Vita) 6/13
    8. Tokyo Tattoo Girls (Vita) 7/2
    9. Illusion of Gaia (SNES) 9/30
    10. Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (DS) 12/11
    11. Labyrinth (DS) 12/16

    This is another game where I'm making the call on it being beaten. There's no way to get the credits roll in this game outside of selecting it in the Options menu. There are a finite number of courses and stages in the single-player mode, but you get nothing for clearing them all, unlike with its predecessor, On the Ball, on Super Nintendo. But considering there's nothing left to do but replay those same stages to improve my rankings and unlock new ball designs, I'm saying I beat it. I wasn't intentionally aiming to pump up my total with a quick game, but I just happened to be in the mood to play this.

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    just "beat" GT7

    1. Hot Wheels Unleashed
    2. GranTurismo 7

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    1. Shantae (GBC) 1/1
    2. Donkey Kong Country (GBA) 1/4
    3. StarHawk (GB) 3/1
    4. Crimson Room Reverse (PSP) 3/21
    5. Klonoa: Door to Phantomile (PlayStation via Vita PSOne Classics) 4/25
    6. BoxBoy! (3DS) 5/29
    7. Proteus (Vita) 6/13
    8. Tokyo Tattoo Girls (Vita) 7/2
    9. Illusion of Gaia (SNES) 9/30
    10. Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (DS) 12/11
    11. Labyrinth (DS) 12/16
    12. TwinBee Da! (PSP) 12/29

    Well, go figure. After feeling like it'd be iffy if I'd even hit 10 games and then saying 12 was unlikely, here I am at said number, without even consciously trying to hit it. It's probably been over a decade since I played anything on the TwinBee Portable compilation, and it's definitely been over a decade since I last beat its remake of TwinBee Da! As I said in the other topic, I just casually played it to test the functionality of my PSP. I was going to start up a longer game, but the other night, my daughter took longer than usual to go to bed, which ate up most of my me time. So instead, I started this again and played through the whole thing. It's even shorter than the Game Boy original, which I used to play through over and over back in the '00s specifically because it was so easy to pick up and enjoy in a brief window of time. (Well, technically, I was playing the colorized version that came out in Europe on one of those Konami GBC collections.) Getting back to my yearly total, I've now doubled the number of games I beat last year, which was a doubling of the prior year, so that's pretty awesome. I'd love to say I'm aiming for another doubling, but it's also been over a decade since I even surpassed 20 games completed in a year. I'd feel accomplished just to hit 15 in the next year.

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    Looking forward to getting off my ass and actually contributing to this thread in 2023

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