I just picked up Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon 2 just a few weeks ago (first time I had ever saw it on sale for the Xbox) and I definitely can agree with you about both of those. I prefer the linear Castlevanias over the Metroidvania ones, so both of them are right up my alley. I also greatly appreciate the casual mode that let's someone with my low level of skill still enjoy the entire game. I can't really make any complaints about either game.

When I first got SoR4, I was disappointed. I hated the art style, disliked the removal of dashes and hops, and I really hated how virtually every major enemy in the game plays like they have an armored power up where they don't get hitstunned. It took a long time for the game to grow on me but I can recognize it for how good it is, even though I still think the armored enemies are a cheap and extremely lazy difficulty mechanic. The DLC expansion was one of the best expansions I've ever played in recent memory. The Streets of Rage Remake fangame is still better, but this is a close second.

I picked up Dragon's Crown for PS3 many years ago when the local K-Mart was closing. I barely touched it. I've been on a PS3 kick as of late so I'll have to check it out again. If it winds up sucking I'll just blame it on you