I pre-ordered the Tears of the Kingdom Amiibo and console from Best Buy. I will cancel the console order if I can get one from Amazon though. Everything I get from Best Buy is usually covered in stickers and I worry about ruining the console box with them. But Amazon was not taking pre-orders yet and Best Buy was. I will order the Collector's version of the game, if I can find that too.
I believe I have 4 or 5 Switch console's including a OLED version and have never opened one yet. The reviews! Those God Aweful reviews of Switch games with the low resolution graphics and stuttering frame rates keeps me at arms length. Someday, I'm sure. Someday.
Of course I'm doing all of this because Zelda is a Nintendo icon and I am a bit of a shelf queen. As far as the game goes, it's been a long while since I've played a Zelda game, but I'm sure it won't be bad. I'm guessing it will be family friendly too. SHEESH