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Thread: What is the glitchiest/buggiest game you own (or know of)?

  1. #41

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    I own Sonic '06, Sonic Boom / Toon: Rise of Lyric, Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed 3DS, and Sonic: Lost World PC - and all of them are buggy and glitchy.

  2. #42
    Strawberry (Level 2) RARusk's Avatar
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    Rustler (PS4 and Switch) which is basically is medieval spoof of GTA 2. And the developer pretty much abandoned them too - the PC version is getting all of the updates and even DLC too.
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  3. #43
    ServBot (Level 11)
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    There's a bug near the end of Donkey Kong Country 2 in Castle Crush that I've heard can brick a console. Same for some code in NES Metroid, and I sorta remember that the glitch could brick 3DSes or something?
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  4. #44
    Alex (Level 15) Custom rank graphic
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    I used to own a copy of Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars for the GBA. There's a few glitches in this version but the one I remember is that saving while at a certain location in the game causes an item/hotspot to no longer be selectable, making the game impossible to complete. I had to delete my save and start over because of it. It's an adventure game, you're expected to save often while playing these types of games.

  5. #45
    Peach (Level 3) Koa Zo's Avatar
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    Trio The Punch on PS2 is the only game I can recall that had numerous crash and lock-up issues. It took a number of tries to credit feed through it because of glitches.

  6. #46
    Insert Coin (Level 0)
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    The buggiest game that was in my possession is and was probably "ShadowMan" Dreamcast. I believe I played the N64 in a store koisk one time ( or was that Midevil ) but even so the game played the same way with the jars to be broken.

    The game was multi-ported to the N64, PSX, and Dreamcast. Maybe there is a PC version ??? IDK since PC at the time was still and literally DOS based when it came to most games if any at all outside bleh.

    The screen got these lines, that was strechy once I started to run around and looked like if the camera was melting. Unplayable.


    NES had many bugs but hey it worked like a charm. Imagine inserting a game and seeing all sorts of stuff all over the display.

    I heard the game Silicon Valley has so many bugs the devs just made a password system that unlocked everything. Many mini-game challenges ( like GTA ) but the bugs just went on and on. Literal pre-GTA-3 madness going on there, Body Harvest ( as close to Metroid as you will get on the N64 ) was literally GTA 3 with multiple views. Point being is Silicon valley most buggiest.

    Starfox 64 if you finish the Starwolf dog-fight while flying and turning ( boosting or not ) around the entrance of the final area, you can lock the game and literally end up watching your score go out the window along with your time you spent to get to that specific end point of the game. I remember watching Arwing go round and round from a certain camera angle and sometimes I expected it to leave
    the camera angle or maybe I would have to do something to get it out of that mode, but that time, nope.
    Keeping going around the merri-go-round of Androsses layer. NOTE: Starfox II is ten-times better.

    I think I locked the game in Chrono Trigger not sure during or after or before a battle. Not sure.

    Zelda OOT ( so many things to do ). If your playing with a cart, and you pull the cartridge to the side a
    bit when loading to Hyrule-field. You could actually slow down loading or pevent the entire area from loading entirely. You can try this on a variety of entrances. Basically the same rule applies to "Metroid Prime". So many things to see, find, and glitch up just by slightly pulling the cart out. I was playing the original release. ( where Ganon blood was blood, The mirror sheild was actually nice looking, and not a replica of the metal shield, the song in the mountain ( which I sang to myself when I heard the echo's ) was going off, and so many more tid-bits missing ).

    There are so many moments you will miss from Zelda OOT if you have the rerelease ( green blood, gold sheild, no singing and chanting in volcano ). My mind will always remember the emotions I felt, and how I reacted to what was given to me. Seeing Ganon cough up blood and then hacking and slashing him in his true form, was all the better for me. Censoring is what makes me stop looking at anything anymore.

    Metroid Prime ( That being said ), would lock-up in the elevator shaft, and I believe the Ridley fight ??? not sure. But I do remember the shaft. Sometimes those doors ( as with Zelda OOT ) would lock up.
    Hit the door and wait for a good minute or so before you fall asleep listening the GCN attempting to load from your Game Disc that is being used to death ( becaus GCN disc motor sucks ). Imagine getting into an elevator thinking "is a boss going to jump out of nowhere and we are going to have this Flowne styled battle from "Phantasy Star Online 2". Nope it just keeps going and going and going and going with the scene showing "movement" stuck inside an endless loop.

    Megaman Legends PSX - not so much a glitch but enemies could do damage from behind blocks despite your not inside an on comming zone. Or enemies literally could charge and you will see them
    slowly ( snail like ) cross between the walls/doors. Again PSX game but I am not sure if the N64 ( PC ) release fixed this problem.

    FF6U ( FF3 ) - If your SNES mode-7 chip kicked the bucket it makes it impossible to use the blimp, or walk on the map. Your just stumped. Happen to me one time on a play. I think you could see this on an emulator if you disable the Mode-7 chip ( if in options ).

    Pokemon R and B U. Okay so Back then I had an extremly powerful 495 Dragonite that could use fly.
    I am sure of this. Now there are so many glitches in this game. Trying to play again I can not get that move. Maybe I caught it at Cinnibar IDK? Thing is I remember so many things in those games that are not there anymore. Like if Pokemon is affected by time-travel or something. But again Pokemon has so many secrets from catching a legit-mew to doing the "Talk to blah blah, avoid wild or trainers or fly and do the cinnibar island trick" to find a specific pokemon based off you ID number legally. No missingno
    variant but is optional. I remember that Sycther could fly or possible sky-attack ( which it should have ). Was that some kind of tripping dream. Those toadstool mushrooms making me see things.

  7. #47
    Great Puma (Level 12) Steve W's Avatar
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    I always think of Vigilante 8 - Second Offense on the Dreamcast. I would be driving down a road and I'd just fall through the polygon road partially, and the game would try and push be back out, but it'd leave me vulnerable as I'm partially sticking out of the road. One time I nearly fell through the ground, and the game realized it and rubber banded my car, shooting it into the sky so high I couldn't see the ground anymore, being airborne for a good twenty to thirty seconds. Speaking of airborne, the flight pods that you could pick up in the game must have not been playtested too well because they barely worked in comparison to older versions. Despite the horrible glitches, I still did love that game , car combat games are my favorite genre.

  8. #48
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    I would have thought the first mention of western(and even some eastern) developed games on a Switch would be the end of this conversation . Never seen software just abruptly close as much, in all honesty...

  9. #49
    Cherry (Level 1) fpbrush's Avatar
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    Hard Drivin’ for GEN comes to mind, but I still had some good times with that one. Early 3D on a 16-bit system probably contributed, but the F1 game worked smoothly? I dunno.

    And, when I first played Space Harrier (not the arcade cabinet) I thought it was kinda buggy. Haha.
    Last edited by fpbrush; 04-01-2024 at 07:04 PM.

  10. #50
    Insert Coin (Level 0) Osirus's Avatar
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    Ultima IX: Ascension

  11. #51
    Great Puma (Level 12) jb143's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Querjek View Post
    There's a bug near the end of Donkey Kong Country 2 in Castle Crush that I've heard can brick a console. Same for some code in NES Metroid, and I sorta remember that the glitch could brick 3DSes or something?
    That seems very unlikely as there's nothing in the NES or SNES that can be bricked. There would have to some re-writable chip in them for that to be a possibility, and to the best of my knowledge, they don't...outside of maybe prototypes having an EEPROM on them or something.

    The 3DS, I suppose it could be possible, but still unlikely.
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  12. #52
    Cherry (Level 1) fpbrush's Avatar
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    Oh and some Wisdom Tree games, but I think that was actually a quality control issue of some kind because it didn’t happen with every copy.

  13. #53
    Peach (Level 3) AceAerosmith's Avatar
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    Just Cause 2 for the 360 reached unplayability for me when it just decided all characters including mine would have no upper torso. You could switch weapons and fire them, drive vehicles, etc. but no upper body. Also, went to reload past save and there was nothing there in the save file. Then when I got out of the save file, all the NPCs were gone. I still had no upper torso but everywhere I went there were no other people.

    I just had to give up on RDR Undead Nightmare downloaded for Xbox One. Deep into the game, all zombies and some NPCs had no heads and some of them had no arms. Then NPCs you were required to help to progress the game disappeared off the map and zombies just kept respawning so you couldn't save the town. It was such a shitshow I ended up just deleting it.
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