FINALLY a thread for the God of gaming!!! THE NES!

What is your favorite game on this system?
Tecmo Super Bowl- holy shit I can play this games everyday of the year and not get bored with it. Everytime I come home from college my friends and I still play tournaments

What are some of your other favorites?
Wow I like so many games, ummmmmm... Dusty Diamond Softball, RC Pro Am II, Little Samson, Baseball Stars 2, Micro Machines, Gotcha, Uncharted Waters, Alfred Chicken, Blue Marlin, Bonk's Adventure, Crash and the Boys, Karnov, Shatterhand, MC Kids, Home Alone, Maniac Mansion, MC Kids, Monster Truck Rally, NES Open, Tengen Tetris, North and South, Pro Sport Hockey, Rally Bike, Soccer, MLB, Super Dodge Ball, Wacky Races, Flintstones 2, Super Mario Bros(the first one), and Mission Cobra.... these are just some

What games surprised you? Infuriated you?
I was surprised at Tecmo Super Bowl, Micromachines, Home Alone, and MC Kids. Tecmo Super Bowl speaks for itself!! When I first had the chance to play Home Alone I told my cousin this game is queer, but then played it and was addicted. MC Kids was a little kid game and I was amazed at how fun it was. Micromachines was such a fun game and I did not think a game that was not licensed by NES could be so fucking good.
I was infuriated with Wayne's World and Cyberball. Wayne's World sucked so much dick for a late release. Cyberball was just a shit game that I did not think was worth a fuck.

Do you remember the first time you saw the system in action? What game was it? What was your reaction?
I went to my grandma's and went into the living room because I heard some music I never heard before and it was SUPER MARIO BROS. I was amazed because it looked so much better than my old Atari. My cousin got the NES for Christmas and I stayed there for like 2 days just playing Super Mario Bros. God it was a great moment.

Did you own the system "back in the day"? How about now?
Yeah I owned this system back in the day, but then Genesis was released and I am sure you all, just like my dumbass, sold my NES to get Genesis. I went to a mom/pop game store and traded my NES and like 70 games for Genesis. Fuck what a rip off. To this day I am still pissed at myself!!!
A few years back I got a NES at a rummage sale and thought "cool now I can get some of my favs and relive the memories." HAHA that was an understatement, now I collect NES and love all the memories of the past. Nothing is better than old NES memories, going to the gamestore every weekend to rent a game and saying fuck homework, going to buy a game for your birthday.... AHHHH NES is the best!!!

How many games do you have for it?
Well in about a year of collecting I have 729 of 772 of the US Released games(I do not consider Sachen a US release and do not collect variations). I think that is outstanding considering I am a poor college boy. I have most of the REAL RARE games but still need Myriad, Cheetahmen 2, and Peek a Boo Poker but they will come in due time!!!

Any stories surrounding the system that you can share with us
Shit there are so many stories, but I will share a few.

I remember one time my friend and I were playing River City Ransom and then went to another friends for the weekend. We rented Monster Truck Rally and took turns building tracks for the other 2. One of us would build a track and have the other 2 hide their eyes so they would not see how we were building the track. I do not think any of us got any sleep that weekend. Well my friend and I go back to his house and discover that WE NEVER TURNED OFF RIVER CITY RANSOM, so we sat down and played that!!!

Another time my friend spend the night at my house and I was sick. We were playing MC Kids and were stuck on a board so I told my buddy I was going to sleep. I wake up a couple hours later and find out my friend found tons of secrets and was kicking the games ass!! Wow that woke me up!!

When I was about 8 I first stayed the night at a friend's house. I was scared at first but then saw he has NES. We stayed up all night playing TMNT II and Simpsons vs the Space Mutants. We got to Shredder and got our asses kicked!!!

The memories go on, and on..................