Quote Originally Posted by Simplynes
For years now I have had a Simpsons Arcade machine UK version (much bigger than US version) and a couple of extra jamma pcb's (Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles and Robocop). But I have never got up the courage to swap the PCB's. For one I wouldn't know where to start and also the fear of damaging something. Is it just a case oh removing the old board and slotting the new one in? how do I tell which way around to put it in? I have seen a few pictures of the insides of cabs and it looks like you have to mount the pcb to the case some elastic looking stuff?. x_x

Also the sound has been going for quite some time now it goes very quite or off completely some times. I think the speakers just need replacing or rewiring, what else could it be?

Lastly does anyone know of any sites in the UK that sell jamma pcbs, marquees, parts etc?

Well, let me answer what I can. I've never seen inside one of those machines, but I can make some pretty good guesses.

JAMMA supports 2 joysticks and 3 buttons per player. If you have the 4 player cabinet, it uses what's called JAMMA+. That means that it's JAMMA, but has a few extra wires for extra players and/or buttons. Still, the connector that connects the wiring to the board is a JAMMA connector.

To switch out a JAMMA board, simply pull that connector off, and hook up another board. That's it! If it's JAMMA+, you may have a few more wires to swap, but even if you leave the old ones hooked up it won't hurt anything.

Technically, you don't need to mount a PCB to get it to work. Of course it's a good idea, so it won't flop around or anything. I wouldn't have it lying on metal or anything, but I've often tried PCB's by just tossing them in the bottom of a cabinet and hooking them up.

I don't know of any UK stores, but keep an eye on eBay!