Quote Originally Posted by Cmosfm
I know that's your opinion, but I just disagree with your opinion.
I disagree with your Barry Manilow avatar.

Firstly, the definition of "retro" in application to videogames is pretty damned subjective. Next time just give your opinion, and leave mine the hell out of it.

Insomuch as I'm concerned, "retro" means anything that is NOT "current" technology. This leaves the problem of defining what is "current", and I detailed my approach above.

But the bottom line is, I can answer this question however the hell I want, it's just not a black or white issue.

I can answer True/False

I can answer in the form of a question:
"What is anything that's not current technology"

I can answer with immaterial bullshit:
"Purple Brontosaurus cheeseburger my Zeppelin!"

Next time just say "Retro is anything that is 20 years or more old". I see no need for you and Mr. Manilow to try and "no" my post out of existence.