Whats up fellas? I'm Steve, I'm 27 years and live in San Antonio, TX and I've been looking at the site for a couple of months now. I decided to sign up when i saw how many hardcore gamers are around here. Most of my friends in town are casual gamers so it's kinda hard to talk retro gaming with some of them.

I like all kinds of video games, but my favorite franchise is the Mario series. I also enjoy sports games as well. For the past year, I have been collecting all kinds of games for all my systems. I own a NES, Game Boy, Super NIntendo, Nintendo 64, Gamecube, PS2, XBox, Dreamcast, and I'm anxiously waiting for Nintendo Revolution to arrive. I've been going to flea markets, pawn shops, and thrift stores trying to find any kinds of older games, especially Nintendo 64 games and Dreamcast.

My other hobbies are playing basketball here in town just about everyday, and spending time with the family, and also rearranging my game room everyday. Hope to talk gaming with every one soon, Laters!!