Ok...several things of note......

First off, the alpha (which was accidentally released onto the net) is a total system hog BECAUSE it's the alpha. They haven't worked out the resource allocation bugs yet. It doesn't matter how fast your PC is, it isn't gonna look very good cause it's only an alpha build. That's a given.

Beyond that, Id has announced that it WILL require at LEAST a 1 gig processor for minimum specs. With the level of texture detail that they intend and the sheer size of everything, expect it to run at high res on nothing less than a 2 ghz system. I figure that my Athlon Thunderbird 1.2 Ghz system will BARELY meet the minimum specs for the game, if it does at all, and I have 512 megs of RAM and a Geforce 2 MX 64 graphics card. I'll be lucky to run it...guaranteed. But chances are, you won't need a high end 3 Ghz processor to run it at full hi res, although you WILL need whatever graphics card they recommend. I'd bet you'll need a GeForce 4 and a 1.2-1.7 Ghz processor to get some decent performance out of it. It's going to be the next generation of video requirements, and once it's out, expect many other games to follow in it's footsteps for requirements.