The ONLY expansion I can ask for on the DS is a firmware update (Can the DS have updated firmware?) that lets me use the damned Y and B buttons as the B and A buttons for the Game Boy Advance function. I cannot STRESS how painful and difficult it is to play a GBA game on the DS with the A and B buttons where they are. They're not anywhere near the same position! How the hell did Nintendo overlook this?

The B function should be up higher than the A function. I mean, for reference, compare Super Mario 64 DS's running and jumping with the Super Mario Advance run and jump. It is so comfortable to play SM64, but just thinking about Mario Advance makes me hand cramp up.

It makes me cry because it'd be perfect. Absolutely perfect if the buttons were in the right place. But there is no option whatsoever to change the button placement.

Hell, I would buy a SECOND DS the day Nintendo released a new model with GBA buttons in a more comfortable right place.

How do I contact Miyamoto? Should I bother emailing Nintendo?

Edit: Anyway, on topic. I would love to see these expansion packs if they are priced well. The article has really good ideas, like the extra tracks for Mario Kart. How about if they go one further and create a tool to create tracks, then allow transfer to that movie player SD card thingy and allow you to load tracks from it?

We'll see.