Scorpion from MK1 and 2 (dunno about UMK) had a really dumb stance. I know this isn't what you meant by "pose" but it's what I thought of when clicking the topic. Anyway, the way he holds his arm makes me think he'd lose circulation after about a minute.

Same with King, from CvS. At least I think it's him/her/that androngynous he/she thing. One knee up, kinda like Joe, hands all up over its face.

As far as cool ones.... umm.. either Morrigan or Felicia comes in as a nun, then whips it off and is scantily clad. That's hot, though if it's Felecia the end result isn't (Felecia, gah, "OH ALL THE OTAKU WILL SWOON FOR HER AFTER ALL SHE IS A CAT + GIRL HOW CUTE!!! KAWAII!!!"). And God Rugal has a kickass opener when you face him in CvS2.

And any fighter with hoes surrounding him (Angore (or Andore?) from SF3, Hagger from Slammasters, etc) is pimping, therefore kewliez. I wanna be a pimp when I grow up.