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Thread: Official Nintendo NES Thread

  1. #81
    Cherry (Level 1)
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    - What is your favorite game on this system? - River City Ransom without a doubt

    - What are some of your other favorites? - Super Mario Bros 3, Super Dodgeball, Legend of Zelda, Megaman 3

    - What games surprised you? - Goonies 2, Dr Mario

    - What games infuriated you? - Ninja Gaiden

    - Do you remember the first time you saw the system in action? No, but it was probably on 1990,

    - Did you own the system "back in the day"? How about now? - I owned the system back in the day and now

    - How many games do you have for it? - Only 60, but here is more difficult to collect for it

    - Any stories surrounding the system that you can share with us? - None that I remember now
    Step Back! This is my blast shot!

  2. #82
    Peach (Level 3) rick weis's Avatar
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    What is your favorite game on this system?
    Super Mario 3 (best game EVER!!)

    - What are some of your other favorites?
    balloon fight, baseball simulator 1000, baseball star, baseball stars 2, battleship, bubble bath babes, castlevania, castlevania 2, castlevania 3, contra, donkey kong, double dragon, double dragon 2, double dragon 3, hot slots, lee trevino's fighting golf, mega man 2, mega man 3, mike tyson's punch-out, monopoly, peek-a boo poker, river city ransom, simpsons bart vs the space mutants, smash tv, super c, super mario bros, super mario 2, super mario 3, tecmo bowl, tecmo super bowl, three stooges,

    - What games surprised you?
    super mario 3, i played that game for over 2-3 years and still wanted more of it..

    lee trevino's fighting golf, never ever thought i would love a golf game.

    Infuriated you?
    mike tyson's punch-out, i can make to tyson but i can't beat him.

    castlevania 1-2-3, getting hit by a flying thing while trying to make a jump.

    - Do you remember the first time you saw the system in action?

    the first time i saw it was when i went over to a new friends house for the first time he had the system and a few games.

    -What game was it?
    Super Mario 3

    -What was your reaction?
    i fell in love with it.

    - Did you own the system "back in the day"?
    i started about 3 years after it first came out.

    -How about now?

    - How many games do you have for it?
    over 100 boxed

    - Any stories surrounding the system that you can share with us?

    Yes many, best one, me and my friend was playing river city ransom, and was stuck on where to go (we finally found out, that we missed an ally we needed to go down in) but before we found that out we were stuck for weeks on it.... finally one day we played to the point were we always got stuck, which was at the water front, i got a little pissed and walked my guy (ryan) up to my friend (he was playing Alex) and punched him till he dropped then picked him up and threw him in the river. (up till that point we had always played as a team on all games never trying to hurt each other) he looked at me like what the hell??? then started laughing till we both was laughing so hard! for the next couple weeks, we kept playing the game to that point just to beat each other up at the water front section. good times!

  3. #83
    ServBot (Level 11) Slate's Avatar
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    Default Re: Official Nintendo NES Thread

    1:It is hard to say, Since i value all of my NES games.

    2:Burgertime, Duck hunt, Bubble bobble, Paperboy, Deja Vu, Super mario trilogy, Double dragon... The list goes On.

    3:Every game surprised me, In it's own way- Like when the snake dies In "Snake Rattle And Roll" - Very funny.

    4: I saw the systemn in action the first time , Say, 3/18/04? The first game that i played on it Ever was Startropics. I thought that the game was very High-quality, And i figured "Who could hate this system?"

    5: No, i did not own a NES Back in the day. I have two now, However. One can not be played since the spring loaded part of it is jammed.

    6: 107 Unique ones. One will not work, though. Every other game i own on it Will work (Sometimes with some cleaning, But Never blowing)

    7:Only if you want to hear how i got my two NES systems: I got one at a junk store, and the other at a Salvation army.

  4. #84
    Strawberry (Level 2) DragonMaster Sam's Avatar
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    Ah, the good ol' NES. A great system that I spent part of my youth on.. Here we go.

    Favorite Game: I'm gonna have to go with Super Mario Bros. 3. One of the best Mario games of all time.

    Other favorites: Super Mario 2, Ninja Gaiden 2, Mega Man 3, Metroid, Legend of Zelda, TMNT 2, TMNT 3, Castlevania 3, Contra, Mike Tyson's Punch Out, Castlevania, Contra Force, Tecmo Bowl, Tecmo Super Bowl.

    Game that surprised me: Tecmo Super Bowl. I rented it from Hit List years ago, while taking the NES with me to my grandmother's for the weekend. I didn't know what to expect, since I had been a Madden player. After playing a few games, I realized how great Tecmo was.

    Game that infuriated me: There's a few here. Rambo is one of them. I just kept going in circles every time I came across one of them "N" or "S" blocks. Another infuriator would be WWF WrestleMania. Never could figure out how to pin my opponent, so the match would end up going forever.

    First time I saw the system in action: Probably at my mom's friend's home. Her two sons owned an NES, and anytime she picked me up, I would play it until it was time to go home. Usually ended up playing Super Mario, Super Mario 2, or Legend of Zelda 2. When I first saw the NES in action, I was rather taken away. I knew I had to have one.

    Did I own the system back in the day/Do I still have it: Yeah. We got the system sometime in '89 I believe. Me and my brother spent days playing Super Mario Bros. And yes, I still have the system, but not hooked up. It's in a box somewhere.

    How many games do I own: 11 games total.

    Any stories: I remember my brother letting our cousin borrow Contra. Somehow, it got stolen, so we got a replacement for it.... Although it was the wrong game. Ended up getting Contra Force, which I played every day until I beat it.

    - Any time I went to Blockbuster, the game of choice for my rental was Mega Man 3. Don't ask why, I just liked it that much.[/b]

  5. #85
    Insert Coin (Level 0) daynum's Avatar
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    - What is your favorite game on this system? –

    Probably The Legend of Zelda

    - What are some of your other favorites? –

    Mario 1-3, Zelda II, Kirby’s Adventure, Micro Machines, A Boy and his Blob, Nes Open Golf, Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy

    - What games surprised you? –

    Super Mario Bros and Duck Hunt. These were the first NES games I saw and the graphics blew me away!

    - What games infuriated you? –

    Castelian. I wanted to take a chainsaw to that cart.

    - Do you remember the first time you saw the system in action?

    September the 23rd 1988 – my sisters birthday.

    - Did you own the system "back in the day"? How about now? –

    I use the same system now as I did back then. Technically it belongs to my sister because it was her birthday present but I kind of inherited it somewhere along the way. I hope she never asks for it back!

    - How many games do you have for it? –

    In the region of 100

    - Any stories surrounding the system that you can share with us? –

    The first Zelda game I owned was Zelda II. I was in a shop and was allowed to choose one game for Christmas. I’d never heard of Zelda before but I thought the screenshots on the back of the box reminded me of a mix between Repton and The Last Ninja (I have no idea how I came up with that ). Seeming as I liked both those games I decided to have that one. The Zelda series has since become my favourite games series of all time. It makes me laugh when I think about the misguided way I first got into it:



  6. #86
    Pretzel (Level 4) ozyr's Avatar
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    Ok, here goes another system post...

    - What is your favorite game on this system?

    Castlevania! Here is a classic that started the whole Castlevania series of games (at least I think it is). I've always loved 2D side scrollers (even in the 3D world of today), and this game has just got so much going for it. The graphics for the time are marvelous, the sound done just right, and game-play could not have been better. Plus you got such a strange group of things to fight. Who could ask for more. I think its cool that this came out on the GBA Classic series.

    - What are some of your other favorites?

    BattleToads - one tough but rather fun game. I played this one for hours and hours.
    Bomberman - I've always like this style of game. Really glad it came out on the GBA Classics. This is one of my favorites for the system, but not the best.
    Gradius - a horizontal shooter paradise! I really think this game helped push the shooter into the mainstream of video games (at the time).
    Super Mario Bros - I liked the game, but at the time, didn't get around to competing it (I didn't have the unit long enough).

    - What games surprised you? Infuriated you?

    Surprised? None really. There are some really good game for the NES, but nothing that jumps out at me!
    Festur's Quest - this was bar-none, the most frustrating game on the NES (that I played). I didn't play many games on the NES, but I did this one, and boy was it a doozie. A friend and I tried getting the hang of this thing, but it was just too damn difficult. Mark it up as one of my most hated games.

    - Do you remember the first time you saw the system in action? What game was it? What was your reaction?

    At Toys'R'Us. Don't remember the name, just some racing game. At this time, I thought the graphics looked like crap, and I vowed not to buy that horrible system. I got a Atari 7800 instead!

    - Did you own the system "back in the day"? How about now?

    No and No. The only reason I played games on this system was because a friend borrowed me his unit and game years ago. If it wasn't for that, I would never have touched one. Currently, I'm leaning towards possibly getting a used one - but they are getting hard to find - at least in my area of the world.

    - How many games do you have for it?

    None. As mentioned above, I borrowed it from a friend. Sad, but true.

    - Any stories surrounding the system that you can share with us?

    The only story I can share is the frustration I had with Festur's Quest. This is the main reason I ever had the NES borrowed to me. My friend was not getting far in the game, so he borrowed me his unit and games, in return for my promise to figure out how to beat Festur's Quest. I was supposedly the 'video game expert' to most of my friends (and still am). Embarrassing as it is to admit, I was never, ever able to get anywhere in this game. I returned the unit and game to my friend after about a month (if I remember correctly). I had kept the unit a bit longer because of the 'other' games. Being a cool friend, he wasn't mad that I couldn't help with old Fester!
    "I seek strength, not to be greater than by brother, but to fight my greatest enemy - myself!"
    Ozyr's Odyssey2 Archive!

  7. #87
    Pretzel (Level 4) Cirrus's Avatar
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    - What is your favorite game on this system?

    My favorite blockbuster game is probably Super Mario Bros. 3. I can beat this game in 15 minutes, usually without losing a life (except my own?). I've seen a video online where a kid beats it in 11 minutes, but it is supposedly done with savestates. Bah!

    My Favorite more obscure game is River City Ransom. I know this is more popular today, because it's great, but back then I felt I had a real gem (and did!). I was the only person I ever knew that had this game, and I loved every second I played.

    - What are some of your other favorites?

    Oh, I could have put RCR down here. Well, otherwise I really love Mega Man 2, 3, and 4. The music in 2 and 3 is perfect, for sure. I also really love Dragon Warrior 1 and 4 (never really played 2 or 3, but I have them). Kirby's Adventure, Kickle Cubicle, Milon's Secret Castle, SMB1/2, Zelda1/2, Duck Tales, so many others it isn't worth getting into. There are SO many good games for this system!

    - What games surprised you? Infuriated you?

    Trojan made me really mad. The game was so fun at first, such neat music, such fun hitting the enemies with a sword... but it got really cheap late in the game. Also, the Ninja Gaiden games had some pretty cheap parts that ended with me falling in a pit. I don't remember being surprised by many games, except maybe seeing Alex's butt in River City Ransom. I was sort of put off by that, I suppose.

    - Do you remember the first time you saw the system in action? What game was it? What was your reaction?

    The first game I saw in action was my first game for the system: Wizards & Warriors. I also got Hogan's Alley and SMB/Duck Hunt, but I was probably 5 or 6 years old when I played these. I loved it! I was so amazed that you could go up/down/left/and right in one level, that just seemed great to me. Not many Atari games really did this without having screen borders.

    - Did you own the system "back in the day"? How about now?

    I have had a NES from the mid 80s until now.

    - How many games do you have for it?

    I only have 45 games for it now, but I will probably only get maybe 60 or 70. I just want the very best, and everything I played as a kid. I want a collection I love for it's contents, not it's size.

    - Any stories surrounding the system that you can share with us?

    I don't really have any stories that are that exciting... there used to be a place called Spellbinders near my house that I would go trade games in at. They had a deal where you could trade any 2 games and get 1. Sounds like a good deal... not so with video games. (For the store, that is!) I traded 2 terrible cheap games for River City Ransom, and it made my year. They ended up cutting the deal after they had nothing but SMB/Duck Hunts and a couple of Jackals.

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  8. #88
    Insert Coin (Level 0)
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    What is your favorite game on this system?
    Adventure Island

    What are some of your other favorites?
    Adventure Island 2,3, 4 ( I can only play 4 on emulator)
    Bubble Bobble
    Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle
    City Connection
    Dr. Mario
    M.C Kids
    Super Mario 1, 2, 3,

    I’m a kid at heart!

    What games surprised you? Infuriated you?
    Double Dare and Funhouse were the worst! I remember renting them from a local video store on weekend. I brought them back next day and told clerk how bad they sucked and he let me pick rent two other games for free.

    Do you remember the first time you saw the system in action? What game was it? What was your reaction?
    It was a Friday night in 1987 or 88 not sure, My parents dropped me off at my cousins for our weekly sleepover , when I went up to her room she was sitting on floor playing Mario 1. The colorful graphics mesmerized me! I had to have one!

    Did you own the system "back in the day"? How about now?
    The following Monday from my introduction, I immediately hinting to my parents about how bad I had to have this great new video game system and became a very obedient child and 2 weeks later I had one of my own. I had to share it with my brother but it wasn’t a problem! I am not sure what had happened to it or all the games but I recently purchased a NES from Ebay for a few dollars and purchased my favorite games at local video game store.

    How many games do you have for it?


    Any stories surrounding the system that you can share with us?
    I found a very effective, cheap, easy way to end the blinking NES! Use 120 grit sandpaper on the pin and make sure your games are thoroughly clean. When I received my Nes from ebay, it blinked and no games worked on it. I thoroughly cleaned my games with alcohol and q tips wrapped 120 grit sandpaper around a credit card and inserted it into the pin and sanded the connecters down. It worked like a charm and I haven’t had a problem since!


  9. #89
    Ryu Hayabusa (Level 16) Custom rank graphic
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    For my 3000th post, I'll do this one, something I can't believe I overlooked in my past 2+ years here. It my favorite system, so why not?

    - What is your favorite game on this system?

    Contra. Favorite of all time, across all systems actually.

    - What are some of your other favorites?

    Mega Man 2, Shadowgate, Mike Tyson's Punch Out!!, Zelda II, Gun.Smoke, Super Mario Bros. 3, R.C. Pro Am, Strider, Marble Madness, Cobra Triangle, Ninja Gaiden II, Super Dodge Ball, Rad Racer, TMNT

    - What games surprised you? Infuriated you?

    Surprised? Strider. It was nothing like the arcade, glitchy as hell, but super fun.

    I quote YoshiM here because he's perfectly right:

    Quote Originally Posted by "YoshiM
    Infuriated: Toss up between Ninja Gaiden and Battletoads. I wish Ryu could just f%#$&@ climb rather than wall jump to get up those pillars! And Battletoads-well, Rare games are sometimes like a journey into S&M. Painful to play, but still makes you go back for more.

    - Do you remember the first time you saw the system in action? What game was it? What was your reaction?

    I had a 2600 growing up. I saw the NES at my cousin's house as he played Duck Hunt. I knew right then and there I had to have it. I was in awe.

    - Did you own the system "back in the day"? How about now?

    Yes and maybe. I still have the Deluxe Set box somewhere, but I think the system is gone. ROB presides over the room.

    - How many games do you have for it?

    325 or so US releases. I tried to collect alll of them, but it proved too great a task. I think I had about 650 of them at that point.

    - Any stories surrounding the system that you can share with us?

    Going to see the Wizard, all of the free NES rentals I got at the store down the street from my house, getting SMB 2 for my birthday, getting Nintendo Power i the mail and reading it cover to cover. Such great times.
    RIP bargora, you will be greatly missed.That is how we do things on Giedion Prime.

  10. #90
    Banana (Level 7) § Gideon §'s Avatar
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    I'd like EVERYONE who has ever played this system to give some input here, please.
    Okay, thanks. But I'd feel kind of funny, because my story would be just like everyone else's... I love the Mario series, Zelda, Mega Man... The first time I saw an NES, my jaw dropped. Et cetera.

    I'd just be repeating what's already been said by millions of people... And I guess that's what truly makes the NES special: It unified a nation--nay, a world--of gamers. Each of us can look back at the same, joyous memories, and that's something wonderful. Granted, they won't be exactly the same... but I'd wager you guys felt a lot like I did when you first beat Super Mario Bros; you know the feeling.

    I never owned one back in the day, but I really, really wanted to. Whenever I was in a new neighborhood (my family moved around a lot), I'd seek out the kid with the NES . My family was too poor at the time... and that reminds me: I have one good story to share. I was five years old, and my friend Lauren was having her sixth birthday party. After the balloon-stomping game (the chaotic noise of which terrified me) ended, Lauren's dad made an announcement. Dave--a hearty guy with one of those great, dark mustaches that were popular at the time--got a big grin across his face and told everyone about a secret present. Still grinning, he strided into the living room, and all the kids followed. Dave looked his daughter in the eye. Lauren waited patiently for her secret gift. And he unveiled...

    A brand-new NES with SMB/Duck Hunt!

    All the boys went crazy. Some of the girls squeeled a little. Dave, still grinning, started chuckling with happiness. "Well, do you like it?"

    "I... guess so."

    . The kids were set loose to do what they wanted for an hour. Lauren fiddled with her new NES for a bit, while about ten five-year-olds such as myself waited for their turn. She shortly lost interest, and went off to play with her other new stuff. You could feel the disappointment perferating the happy atmosphere.

    From that moment on, I felt she was a spoiled child. I mean, she didn't even fake it for Dave.

  11. #91
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    Favorite Game: From the few I played: Super Mario Bros 3

    Other favorites: Castlevania, Mega Man Series, StarTropics, Boulder Dash...

    Game that surprised me: I had never heard of Star Tropics before and got hooked playing it...

    Game that infuriated you: Castlevania. Played the whole evening and got stuck in some f'ing level. Kept dying no matter what. Did not touch it after this. However, it's one of my favourites, cause it's a very good game and I like the other Castlevania's, too.

    First time you saw the system in action: At a friend's home. His aunt from the States gave it to him and his brother as a "summer present", they usually got when they visited Germany. They bought it in Germany right after the release.

    Did you own the system "back in the day"? How about now? I did not own it back in the day, as I practically spent my whole childhood at a friend's house (afternoons/evenings, anyway) and he had an NES and later the SNES, N64...) I bought my first NES last year and also have a US NES, which I got for free, as the cartridge mechanism is jammed. So I can't play games on it, but spare parts are underway.

    How many games do you own: 15 games

    Any stories surrounding the system that you can share with us? As mentioned, I didn't have a NES myself, but played at a friend's house.... So, when he first got his NES together with SMB, he wouldn't let me play until he finished the game. So I sat there watching, and everytime before he jumped/ducked/went into a pipe, he would say: "And remember to ring the bell, before entering. This is about being polite!" Well, I believed this until I played it myself the first time and made a complete ass of myself asking how to ring the bell while standing on a pipe...
    Smarsh the Barstuds!

  12. #92
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    shit dude i needa get me a NES and a job!

  13. #93
    Peach (Level 3) VG_Maniac's Avatar
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    - What is your favorite game on this system?

    I guess I'm going to have to say Super Mario Bros. 3. I consider it not only to be the best game on the NES, but one of the best games of all time.

    -What are some of your other favorites?

    Metroid, Blaster Master, Legend of Zelda, Zelda II: Adventures of Link, Castlevania trilogy, Mega Man series, Ninja Gaiden trilogy, Battletoads, Dragon Warrior series, Crystalis, Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!, Rad Racer 1 & 2, Kid Icarus, Contra, Super C, Lolo trilogy, Little Nemo, Star Tropics, Zoda's Revenge, Shadow Gate, Uninvited, Deja Vu, TMNT trilogy, Gradius, Bionic Commando, Tetris, Balloon Fight, Adventure Island trilogy, Bubble Bobble, Gun.Smoke, Marble Madness, Snake Rattle N Roll, Excite Bike, Metal Gear, Snake's Revenge, Strider, Dr., I can go on forever!!

    - What games surprised you? Infuriated you?

    Probably Dragon Warrior. I didn't like RPGs back in the day, so I missed out on playing it during my youth. Then when I did start to really like RPGs, I never paid much thought about DW, because I thought about it being "old" and "outdated". Finally a friend of mine talked me into picking it up at a local used game store about 5 years ago. So I did, but I did not have any plans on trying to beat it. I figured it was probably so boring compared to SNES and PSX RPGs...I'd get tired of it in 5 minutes and shut it off. WRONG!! Somehow I got hooked on this game. I played it and played it....until I finally beat it.

    - Do you remember the first time you saw the system in action? What game was it? What was your reaction?

    It was sometime in 1987...although I forget exactly what time of year it was, probably late in the year. We went over to our relatives' house for dinner, and my older cousin had gotten one. They're TV with the NES hooked up was down in their basement rec room. I sat there and watched my cousin play the NES and Super Mario Bros. for the very first time. This is not only the first time I ever saw the NES and Super Mario Bros.....but the first time I had ever seen any video game in action, period. My reaction to seeing the NES and SMB...I wanted to play, very bad!! Finally my cousin handed me the controller...and I died on the very first enemy I encountered. Okay, I was 4 at the time.

    - Did you own the system "back in the day"? How about now?

    I got my NES for Christmas 1988 along with Mario Bros./Duckhunt. I've owned my NES ever since. I would never sell it for anything in the world.

    - How many games do you have for it?

    As of right now....I own around 200 games for the system.

    - Any stories surrounding the system that you can share with us?

    On Christmas morning 1988, I didn't think I would be getting an NES. My parents pulled out the present after I had opened all my other presents and thought the day was over.

    After I got my Nintendo...I became so hooked on it, that some of my friends stopped hanging around me for awile until I got over my "NES Fever", which I never really did...I just learned to control it better.

    I used to have a friend who was a couple years older then me and lived down the street. He had quite a good amount of NES games for back then....probably around 20. I played some pretty big titles at his house for the first time: Both Zelda's, Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!, Double Dragon, Kung-Fu, and KARATE CHAMP!!! :P

    My mom took me down to the store and rented me Super Mario Bros. 3 the first day it came out. After I played it and loved it to death...she took me to another store and bought it for me!

    I played Metroid for the first time when I rented it right after getting my NES...shortly after, my mom bought it for me. I was 5 when I first played it, but didn't beat it till I was 7. I had no idea where to go in that game, but I just kept playing. I had no help from anyone, and no maps to follow. I figured the whole game out on my own. I finally beat Mother Brain one morning before school in 1990. I was so excited I was yelling and screaming all the way to school!

  14. #94
    Insert Coin (Level 0) atari_wizard's Avatar
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    - What is your favorite game on this system?

    wrecking crew, this game is an absolute classic!

    - What are some of your other favorites?

    ninja gaiden series, super mario bros. 1 & 3, porter from caltron) - excellent puzzle game, baseball stars 1, double dragon, contra, adventure island series, mega man series, both flintstones, mike tyson's punch-out/punch-out, kung fu, bases loaded 2 & 3 and the list goes on and on.

    - Do you remember the first time you saw the system in action? What game was it? What was your reaction?

    i remember going to my friends house and he let me play mike tyson's punch out. this game was so unbelievably fun that i didn't want to leave. i would go back to his house every chance that i had, just to try the Nintendo Entertainment System out. lol. at the time i had a atari 7800 and the nes really impressed me.

    - Did you own the system "back in the day"? How about now?

    we finally got the system, maybe 92-94. we had a small library, count was approx 25 or so carts. the problem with me really enjoying the nes to the max is, my father was in the milatary and our store had a small variety of games to choose.
    now in this day and age i have a few of these systems, 2 cib nes action set, 1 cib control deck, then i have the one i play on.

    - How many games do you have for it?

    i now have 656 carts and counting!

    - Any stories surrounding the system that you can share with us?

    kung fu is another title that caught me. my buddy had a few of the top pick titles in his small but fun collection. we would try for hours to get past the 3rd boss, only to fail and try again. now when i play it, i have no problem finishing the game with 2 lives.

    i remember when i first rented baseball stars from a local video rental. i was just looking for a game that i could enjoy and didn't realize what would come of it. when i played my first game, i was hooked! i played a whole season and returned the game with a late fee.

    my buddy also got a pirate cart with a crap load of games on it(can't remember what number or which cart). i was so jealous and wanted a pirate cart of my own. i liked the idea of paying one big price for a bunch of games, even though they have the same game, just different levels/difficulties. i remember the panama international air port had a few for sale, along with other kool games and accessories.

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    - What is your favorite game on this system?
    Super Mario 3

    - What are some of your other favorites?
    Legend of Zelda, Mega Man 1-6, Mario 1-2, Final Fantasy, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Mike Tysons Punch-Out, Castlevania, Beetlejuice, Excitebike, Ninja Gaiden II, Tecmo NBA Basketball, Dr. Mario.

    - What games surprised you? Infuriated you?
    Beetlejuice really surprised me, When I was younger I was a huge Beetljuice fan (still am) and when I played the game, it just kinda scared a good way.

    - Do you remember the first time you saw the system in action? What game was it? What was your reaction?
    First time I saw the system in action is when my Mom bought it for me back in 1989, and I didnt really know what it was until she plugged it in for me and let me play Mario. I still remember that day.

    - Did you own the system "back in the day"? How about now?
    Yes I owned it back in the day, and own it now still with the original box too

    - How many games do you have for it?
    40-50 none complete

    - Any stories surrounding the system that you can share with us? The only story I can really remember about this system is when me and my friend played Tecmo NBA Basketaball all day long when we rented it. We thought it was the coolest game there is, and we even wrote down our records and stats after each game we played

  16. #96
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    My favorite game for the NES would have to be Mega Man 2. Metriod, Kid Icarus, Legend of Zelda, Castlevania 3,Dragon Warrior 3, and SMB3 follow right behind it.

    I guess you could say Mega Man 2 was a big suprise to me. I never new a thing about the series, then I read about it in the first issue of Nintendo Power that I got in the mail. I looked at it and thought, this is going to be a cool game. Then I played it and it was waaaaaaaaaay better than what I could have ever imagined just from reading about it in NP.

    As for being infuriated, that award goes to Zelda 2 and the very first Castlevania. I could only get so far in both games, and honestly I sucked horribly at both of them, and probably still do to this day. In my youth I made it a goal to beat a game before I bought another one, but not with these games. I simply gave up and it was about 2yrs before I picked them up again, at which point I did finally beat both of them.

    I don't remember the exact year I got my NES it was somewhere in the 1986 to 1988 range. I do know it's definately a sturdy little machine. It's the only NES I own and it's still going strong after falling off shelves and being buried alive under heavy junk. It was my first console and in the top 3 of my collection as being most loved.
    My collection | [url=[/url]

  17. #97
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    - What is your favorite game on this system?

    - What are some of your other favorites?
    Castlevania, Contra, Dr. Mario, Balloon Fight, Excitebike, Ice Climber.

    - What games surprised you? Infuriated you?

    - Do you remember the first time you saw the system in action? What game was it? What was your reaction?
    My cousins had one (along with just about everyone else) all they had was super mario bros. and we played the crap out of that game.

    - Did you own the system "back in the day"? How about now?
    Yep, still have that same system.

    - How many games do you have for it?
    About 300

    - Any stories surrounding the system that you can share with us?
    Not that I can think of.

  18. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by 20eyes
    - What is your favorite game on this system?

    - What are some of your other favorites?
    Castlevania, Contra, Dr. Mario, Balloon Fight, Excitebike, Ice Climber.

    - What games surprised you? Infuriated you?
    Infuritaed me? alot of them.

    - Do you remember the first time you saw the system in action? What game was it? What was your reaction?
    My cousins had one (along with just about everyone else) all they had was super mario bros. and we played the crap out of that game.

    - Did you own the system "back in the day"? How about now?
    Yep, still have that same system.

    - How many games do you have for it?
    About 300

    - Any stories surrounding the system that you can share with us?
    Not that I can think of.

  19. #99
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    - What is your favorite game on this system?
    Bubble Bobble. Its not as good as the arcade version, but wow what an amazing game.

    - What are some of your other favorites?
    Zelda 1 & 2, SMB 1 & 3, Dragon Warrior (all), Final Fantasy, Tetris, Bionic COmmando, River City Ransom

    - What games surprised you? Infuriated you?
    Action 52 was horrible.
    I was surprised at how fun: Mappy, balloon fight, pinball and ice climber were. That goes for nearly all the black box NES games.

    - Do you remember the first time you saw the system in action? What game was it? What was your reaction?
    I was in the mall, outside a Leisure World store. This was in 1986. They had SMB set up for kids to play. It looked better than arcade games. I was hooked, and actually received it as a gift.

    - Did you own the system "back in the day"? How about now?
    I owned it back then. I have no idea where it went though. I own several now. The first being one I got at a pawn shop. I also gave one to my brother and one to my sister. Whenever I see one cheap I buy it and give it as a gift.

    - How many games do you have for it?
    I have over 720 unique titles for NES. Well over 1000 games total. I went a little nuts buying game lots on eBay. Now I trade my extras or give them to my friends.

    - Any stories surrounding the system that you can share with us?
    Game Rentals ruled. I remember renting Metroid, Contra, Dragon Warrior, Battletoads, River City Ransom, Bad News Baseball and a bunch of others. I wish I had bought those games when they sold them off.

    In my opinion, the absolute best games are the co-operative two player games (Contra, River City Ransom). I loved Bionic Commando, but it would have been better if both my brother and I could play it at the same time.
    Some of the other two player games that were very fun were Pro Wrestling and RC Pro Am.
    I unfortunately also owned Top Gun. What a lovely game. I almost always crashed on landing, or missed while re-fueling. I detested that game.


  20. #100
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    The Tengen versions of Ms. Pac-Man and Tetris were both excellent games, as well as Blaster Master, The Goonies II, Mega Man'(s) 2&3, Metroid, Super Mario Bros., Videomation, and Yoshi.

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