Hi, i'm Paul from England - even though i've surfed here for a while - I have only just joined the forum.
Found the forums originally through a link exchange with an old website that I ran.

Grew up with the Commodore 64 as my main games machine after my Parents bought it for me as a birthday present!, then moved to the Amiga, and finally PS2 and PC.

Favourite games, Thing On A Spring!, LCP, and Bruce Lee (on C64), Settlers, Monkey Island (series) (on Amiga), Grand Theft Auto (on PS2/PC), Dark Forces (on PC) and loads of others I can't remember!

Collect mainly Commodore related stuff.

I Run the TCZ retro-gaming website for Commodore 64 , involved in various computer programming projects and work full time with computers.

Wrote a number of computer programs over the years - the only one that ever made money was Ilinios on the Amiga! Best 15 minutes of fame was a write up in a national daily paper about a tv related website site that I did...

Began collecting when I was about 12 - haven't stopped since!

My website can be found at: http://www.the-commodore-zone.com