I've been lurking on this Digital Press message board since summer of 2000 with no problem. But after the change-over, This board asks me to 'login' every time I try to view any posts (much to my chagrin). So I've finally been forced into registering and this will be my inaugural post:

I live in Calgary, Alberta and I'm 25. I started gaming on Christmas Day 1987 when I got a NES for christmas. I subsequently matured to SNES. Then around high school graduation I kind of stopped gaming and entered 'the dark ages' of my video game history. I don't think I played a single videogame from 1994 till 1999. Somehow, I thought I had to leave it all behind and 'grow up'. But when I started University in Calgary in '99, my roommate had brought his NES and all of his games. My gaming tendencies came back with a vengeance and now I'm a huge gamer and a bigger NES collector. Luckily, I had all my childhood NES stuff still buried in the attic when I went back to find it after the 'awakening'. That's my story, and I'm sure there are a lot more lost gamers out there just waiting to be awakened by us: the faithful gamers.