Quote Originally Posted by Chainsaw_Charlie
So im paying Wind waker and wonder about the timeline of the series(not including the cdi games)

I know Zelda 1>zelda 2 and OOT >WW but not sure where MM, Twilight princess, LTTP and the gb/gba/gbc games fit
There are many debates as to what the actual timeline is. There are some that believe that there isn't a time line at all.

To the best of my Zelda knowledge it goes as follows:

Ocarina of Time
Link departs Hyrule to go to the distant land of Termina, and so begins:

Majora's Mask

-------------At least a Century into the future-----------

Wind Waker: After link sails off he ends up on a strange Island, where he begind a new quest:

Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakining/DX
After that Link, on a journey back to Hyrule ends up in Lybrinia/Holldrum resulting in:

Legend of Zelda Oracle of Ages/Seasons:
After saving Zedla beating Onox/Veran/Twinrova/Gannon Link find himself a new Journey:

Legend of Zelda: A link to the Past
Another one of Links infamous showdowns with Ganon, I believe it to be linked directly with:

*Legend Of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures.

------A gap of an undetermined amount of time------

Legend of Zelda:
The final showdown between Link and Gannon

Legend of Zelda: Adventures of Link

Believed to be a dream and the end of the Zelda Sereies.


I believe Twilight princess will fit in between MM and Wind Waker, not sure where, though.

*Some would agree that it does not fit in at all, but I believe that if it did that's where it would be.