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Thread: I have no rare valuable games in my collection im just a kid

  1. #41
    Key (Level 9) Famidrive-16's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cmosfm
    Are you drunk today or something? Stop posting stupid ass topics.
    I love you Cmosfm.

    Anyways, I don't have too many rares myself. a few R5 and R6's sure, only game past that is the LE Sonic Adventure. It's nothing to get bent over, even if it's cool to find uncommon games here and there, I mostly focus on games that interest me the most.
    And don't bring up that stupid girlie Aladdin rip off! Shantea?

  2. #42
    Ryu Hayabusa (Level 16) Raedon's Avatar
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    also, buy games you know for a fact will sell on Ebay, like I find 4 or 5 snes FFIII's a year at fleas and pawns for $3-$5 and we all know what it sells for. Now take that extra cash and buy more games. This is a good lesson for a capitalistic lifestyle to as it is always better to buy low / sell high.
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  3. #43
    Cherry (Level 1)
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    There's no point in buying a game *because* it's rare.
    Now, if you really want to play a game and are convinced it's good, and you can afford it, go ahead, but don't freak if you can't afford it.

    It took me a long time to learn that.

    Generally, when I buy games that are expensive, I try to buy relatively low. Eventually games usually show up that way.

    I also personally don't care if the condition is perfect, as long as it's reasonable. I buy games to play them.

    As far as systems with reasonably priced, quality games, I think Genny, DC, NES are all great choices.

    As much as I love PCE and Saturn, they have an larger than normal quotient of rare, relatively expensive imports that are actually realy good.

    I knew that when I got into those I would feel compelled to blow through several thousand dollars over the next few years. And I did.

    Don't get too carried away if you can't afford it. And if you need to ask yourself if you can afford it, you can't, so just buy something great yet cheap.

  4. #44
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    "Very true. I'm 13, and you could call me a kid, and I really don't have anything rare other than 2 R7 which I've found in the last two months. As a kid, I know you don't have alot of money, so try to streach it. Hit up flea markets often, and if game store are having special sales(eg by 2 get 1 free) take advantage of it. Back when GameStop was getting rid of their SNES games I took advantage of the low prices. That's so of the best tips I can give you, as a kid, if you see a good deal, take it.

    When gamestop was clearing out I got alot of very sought after titles for only a couple bucks. Like Super Mario Kart for obly a couple dollars, SFII, mega man X. All for a few bucks.

  5. #45
    Cherry (Level 1) GameSlaveGaz's Avatar
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    I feel the same way you do. I wish I had the cash and the space for some more consoles, and there are a lot of hard to find games that I've seen at the cheapest for $40-$50, and this was used at GameStop! (I'm talking about games like Disgaea for PS2 and Intelligent Qube for PS1 which are still $40 used)
    But do what I do for expanding my collection:
    1)For now, buy ONLY the games you really want and will play. You can flesh out your collection whenyou're rich. You'll still be able to find them even 15 years from now, it's not like cartridges evaporate

    2)Take advantage of used video games and 2-for or BOGO sales, and if the store you frequent has a frequent-buyer program or a card that gives you 10% off used purchases, by all means subscribe!

    3)I dunno about Game Crazy, but I know at GameStop, when you reserve a game, you can keep putting money down until the game is paid off. So, if there is a brand new game coming out that you're dying to have and you can't wait to own it and you NEED it the day it's released, reserve it there or anywhere else that lets you pay it off over time, and just put down $5 every week or 2 or whenever you have spare cash and you'll either pay off or have a good chunk of the price already paid when you go to pick it up. You're still paying $50, but not all at once, so it feels better.

    4)Scour garage sales. People sometimes get rid of video game consoles and games very cheap. Sometimes they just THROW perfectly working stuff away for no reason! That's how my boyfriend got a 2600 w/2 joysticks, 20 games IN THEIR BOXES, a catalog and the warranty card and a modified PSX and how I got my Genesis.

    5)See if any cousins have old stuff stored in their basement/attic. Chances are, especially if they're older, they'll probably have an NES or Genesis or Atari in a box somewhere or at the very least some games. And they might give it to you

    6)Ask for must-have games for X-Mas, birthday, or whatever holidays you celebrate that you recieve gifts for. Ask parents, grandparents, aunts/uncles, best friends, significant others, etc for just 1 or 2 games each. And since it's for a holiday and a time of giving and not because you're selfish, they should oblige you, and voila! Free games. I owe 3 consoles and a ton of games to my family and boyfriend.

    7)If you're old enough to get a job, apply for stores that sell video games or have video game departments (you have a big selection to chose from, given that they're all within travelling distance from your home). Not only will you be earning money, you'll have an employee discount anywhere between 10%-25% depending on your employer. And maybe, just maybe, they'll let you work in the video game department and you can work with what you love

    8)Resist the urge to trade in games for merchandise credit (unless you somehow get doubles of a game). If you trade in games, you're just depleting your collection. For example, when I bought my Lynx and my Game Gear, they both came with games I don't like, but I wouldn't sell them because they flesh out my collection, and I'd end up buying them again years later when I'm trying to fill out empty spots, so why not just keep them, they were free with the system anyway. The only time I traded in games was when I found Bloodrayne for XB for only $3.90 at my store. I had the PS2 version I got for Xmas, so I traded that in and got $5.

    and if all those don't help, find out where some of the people here at Digital Press live, wait 'til they go on vacation, and break in and steal all their stuff

    "Video games develop hand-eye coordination and turn children into better human beings!" ~ Professor Membrane on Invader ZIM"

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  6. #46
    Cherry (Level 1)
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    Quote Originally Posted by poloplayr
    Hey doofus, I have a new hobby for you: Start collecting pieces of intelligence.
    A'men!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!

    Note: The above exclamation points were sarcastic.
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  7. #47
    Apple (Level 5) SuperNES's Avatar
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    Meh. i'm 14, and my rarest peice is my NGPC, which cost somewhere in the $20 range on Ebay. seriously, do'nt worry if you have less games than other people, it doesn't make you any less of a person. whining about it does, however. my collection consists of about 100 games and 15 systems. most of them were either free, or extremely cheap. this is because i only buy games that i like, or cheap ones. i'm not gonna pay $100 bucks for a crappy game just because it's rare, that would be stupid.

    other than that, what do you want?

  8. #48
    Peach (Level 3)
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    The good news is that most of the rare games aren't fun anyway.
    Tritium (aka Mel)

  9. #49
    Key (Level 9) nebrazca78's Avatar
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    Pantechnicon said
    No two collections are alike...
    I think this is probably the single most important part of a collection, it has your personality. When you collect the games you like playing, you end up with a collection that represents you. When you collect to have only the rarest games, you end up with a collection that represents money and not much more. The thing about collecting games that you enjoy playing is that when you finally amass 100 or 200 games, you'll never have a problem finding a game to play. Soon after that you'll have enough games that you can play a different good game every day of the year. Otherwise you can brag to others that you have "so many rares" but when it's gametime you're sitting there playing a prototype of Bible Adventures or some crap. (No offense Jesus).

  10. #50
    Peach (Level 3) EricRyan34's Avatar
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    Its dosnt really matter how rare your games are, its how much you care for your collection. i.e how clean you keep them, if they work etc. I would much rather buy about 10 common games than to buy 1 rare game for the price of those 10.

  11. #51
    Cherry (Level 1) Amy Rose's Avatar
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    If it makes you feel any better, my rarest game is probably Rolo To The Rescue as well, and I'm 20 and have a full time job!

  12. #52
    Cherry (Level 1)
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    I am actually glad to see all these young collectors going hard at building a collection. The youth having an interest in this is what will keep it going forever. I love to look at all these collections posted here, yes sometimes I really want something that some one else has. Mostly I like seeing what else is out there that I haven't seen before and it inspires me to keep up the search for new stuff.
    You are young, but don't let that hold you back. Try getting a job working for that game store you always go to, and be politely persistent. By working there you will get access to lots of stuff you can use to decorate a game room. Also make sure you hit the flea markets, pawn shops, goodwill stores, even church rummage sales. But most importantly, in summer, hit as many garage sales as you can and again have patient persistance. You will find a bunch of good stuff.
    Almost everyone here has said this already as well but I can't agree more. Collect what you enjoy. Nothing else matters. In my opinion rare games, unless you enjoy playing them, are good for only one thing. Selling, so you can buy more stuff that you like and enjoy. I used to have a Starfox Super weekend cart that I picked up for under 5$. I sat on it for a year or 2, played it a few times, then saw something on E-bay that I had to have. Hence I sold the Starfox- the most rare cart I've ever had, an R9. Turned it in for US 320.00 and used the money to buy some game stuff, some christmas presents and help pay some bills.
    Don't give up hope. Use your young age, and your desire to have a massive rare collection motivate you to get more active in becoming that collector you want to be. Hard work pays off. We all started somewhere, with a few games and a system, and a lot of desire.

  13. #53
    Pretzel (Level 4) zerohero's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jumpman Jr.
    How young are you?
    I'm only 19 and I have a pretty freaking big collection with a few grails in it also. I even have completed the libraries of a few consoles.
    Its not about how old you are... its about how much you care about your collection.

    Wait..... your only 19, and can buy all that stuff? I'm 21 and I still can't / wouldn't fork out 250 for a game no matter how much i want it. Props to you though.

    As far as the topic goes, Just keep collecting. I have a few "hard to find/rare" games besides that, the rest are just games I like and enjoy.

  14. #54
    ServBot (Level 11) Iron Draggon's Avatar
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    Most of us who have alot of rare/valuable games got them all long before it was known that they were rare/valuable. I could never even touch most of the rare/valuable games that I own now if I had to buy them all at today's prices!

    Also, most of us who pay high prices for rare/valuable games only do it because we don't have much else left to collect. We already got everything else, so it's not as big a deal for us to pay alot for a game that we know is crap.

    As for games that are rare but not valuable, I suggest that you snap up as many of them as you can find and afford. That $20 Rolo game may become alot more valuable over the years as it becomes harder and harder to find a copy.

    As for games that are valuable but not rare, I suggest that you keep your eyes open for good deals on them. Almost every expensive game can be found for an unheard of low price sooner or later, and as more people become educated that these games aren't really rare, their prices go down.

    Now if you want alot of games, I suggest that you buy what you can get for cheap first. That's how I was able to increase the size of my import collection alot over a short period of time. If I had started out with all the expensive imports that I wanted first, I'd still only have a few imports, but now I have alot of imports and it's not as frustrating that I can only get an expensive one every once in a while.

    But the most important thing to remember about collecting is that it takes alot of time. Nobody with a huge collection and alot of rare/valuable games got them all at one time, or in a short amount of time. It takes years to get a collection like that. Sometimes it takes years just to find a game you want that isn't even rare/valuable at all. It took me more than 10 years to find some of the games that I wanted in the condition that I wanted them in, so you have to be very patient. You may want it all now, but you have to realize that you can't get it all now, and just get what you can when you can. That's the only way to do it at any age.
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    Get BIT!

  15. #55
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    Hey ID! Long time no see!

  16. #56
    Pac-Man (Level 10) evil_genius's Avatar
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    Worry about enjoying your youth. Games will be there when you've had 3 hip replacements and a new liver from all the drinking you did when you were younger.

  17. #57
    Pear (Level 6)
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    "It's not about how big it is, it's about what you do with it."

    Stupid, slightly related sexual innuendos aside, my philosphy is to buy or collect what you want. Summer of 2004 I owned about 110 - 120 NTSC-U Dreamcast games. I took a look at my "collection," saw that I never played -- or never wanted to play -- most of the games, and dumped over 90% of it. I'm much better for it. I now have a group of around 25 games that are excellent, a few crap games, and a list of 20 or 25 games that I actually want (and not just to stare at either).

    Initially, when I started out on eBay, I was aiming to own everything that cost $1100010 and was considered "rare." Radiant Silvergun, complete Dreamcast collection, sealed Chrono Trigger -- you name it, I wanted it. Then I took a step back, realized I wasn't a fan of schmups, there were tons of crappy Dreamcast games, and I had never played Chrono Trigger in my life. Not to say I don't make stupid purchases, just that I don't make uber-expensive, pointless ones.

    So whatever you do, just make sure it's something that you'll actually enjoy owning/playing/staring at. There's nothing worse than looking at your stuff and saying "How did I screw up this badly?"

  18. #58
    Insert Coin (Level 0)
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    Hip Replacement?

    Argh man, now i have to SELL my games to pay for the operateion.


  19. #59
    Bell (Level 8) DKTheArcadeRat's Avatar
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    I am in the same basic situation, i have 17 systems and a bunch of games but no rare ones, except maybe one.
    And i am young as well(14), and i have to say that more young people should play classic games and know about gaming roots. This may be a tad off whatver this random topic was about but whatever.

  20. #60
    Pear (Level 6) segarocks30's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DKTheArcadeRat
    I am in the same basic situation, i have 17 systems and a bunch of games but no rare ones, except maybe one.
    And i am young as well(14), and i have to say that more young people should play classic games and know about gaming roots. This may be a tad off whatver this random topic was about but whatever.
    Thanks you guys for showing symphony for me,i go to the flea market alot and look for games there every sunday now.
    Dance Dance Toejam and Earl!

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