Wow, I think you read my mind Gemini-Phoenix, about your thread! I personally have never really thought about selling my collection, maybe sometimes thought about selling some of it but never everything, but have wondered if anyone else on here has thought of it.

Now, my collection is no where near the size of some of you guys on here, but I do own alot of rare, higher priced items. Like my sealed games collection. While I don't have huge amounts of sealed games, I do have rare ones like Zelda 1 + 2 GOLD versions, for instance. I like outdoor stuff, so have thought about selling a fews things to either get an ATV, Motorcycle, stuff like that. While my collection would never get me a new car, I still wouldn't trade my collection for a car anyways. I can however see how someone might sell their entire collections for a new car, house, baby coming, etc.

While I do think about sometimes selling a few items, which I do now and then to buy other things, granted they are ALWAYS video game related, I would never sell my entire collection. (Who knows though, that could change in one, two, maybe even 30 years) But who knows??