Quote Originally Posted by PDorr3
Before people were able to compare this to god of war, Rygar was one of the kings of action games on ps2.
It's ironic, but one of the reasons I wasn't interested in God of War when it came out was because people were comparing it to Rygar. It took a real leap of faith to finally pick it up and give it a shot, and I'm glad I did. It's everything Rygar wasn't... extremely interesting combat system, brilliant level design, etc. The one area where Rygar still shines above all though is in the soundtrack. My lord was that a goodie.

While not exact same genre, I felt Mark of Kri was a much better game (until the last level ) than Rygar.

Quote Originally Posted by ManciGames
I've seen quite a few people compare Rygar to God of War in this very thread, and in other places. To be honest, I've never played God of War, but the impression I've received of the game is that it is pretty gory and deserves its "mature" rating.

The thing with Rygar is, it's not gory or "mature" at all. My 2 1/2 year old daughter watches it with me and "helps" me fight the bosses. I'd never let her watch a game with me that I felt was "mature".
Oh, you simply must give God of War a go sometime when the daughter is away/asleep/not there. It is quite gory and there's plenty of nudity to go around (ok, I can understand the breasts everywhere, but i really don't think they had thongs back then...), but the core gameplay is just so. damned. awesome.