Quote Originally Posted by sisko
I highly disagree with Future Tactics.

It's more of a Worms clone than anything. In fact, it doesn't really have ANY RPG elements what so ever. If it simply MUST be in the list, put it in the borderline section.

Also, some fancy highlighting might be nice (eg red for bad games, green for good ones)
Future Tactics is certainly a unique blend of RPG-strategy elements and action lacking 'traditional' subtle and sophisticated movement calculation, but it is still more on the strategy side: a turn-based battle system and limited movement justifies to put it in the strategy genre albeit it is a new take on it.

About indicating bad and good games: I'm not going there due to unavoidable BIG discussions. Someones FF X is someones Orphen. The intent was just to deliver a nice, ready to go cut-and-paste list, and then everyone is free to pick and or to delete. It isn't a popal, ultimate list by any means, just complete and inclusionary as possible. Borderline cases and very thin lines between genres are a given.