Good day, DP'ers. I'm Anton, I live in Leiden in The Netherlands, where I am a CS student at Leiden University. I'm 21 years old, and I've been collecting for 3 to 4 years now. My favourite generation is the 32-bit one, and hence my collection focuses on the Sega Saturn (mostly) and to a lesser extent the PS1 (mainly PAL stuff). Recently I've started buying arcade stuff too, for one I have a modest Japanese ST-V collection which I use with my homemade supergun (my holy grail right now is obtaining a Radiant Silvergun cart for it).

Apart from gaming, I also collect vinyl records and Laserdisc movies, I fiddle around with electronics and (assembly) programming, love reading decent books, strive to attain an unreasonably archaic vocabulary in Dutch and English, do a lot of cycling, and am a board member for a student club (takes a considerable amount of time).