Name: Tony Hamilton
'Net Names: ahamilton0953, highnote, and Kingofhearts178 ( don't ask lol )
Age: 27
Location: Milwaukee, WI USA
Job: Inside sales/support for Rockwell Automation
Hobbies:gaming (duh), reading, listening to music, watching baseball and football ( and getting into indoor soccer more and more ), playing chess ( playing online and starting to get a little better ) among other things

My Collection:

I don't know how many games of each I have but I don't have many anymore =(
My younger brother pilfered and sold quite a few but here are the systems I have:

Sega Master System ( 17 yrs old still going strong )
Sega Genesis
Sega Dreamcast
Sony Playstation
Nintendo Gamecube

I have a few game series I like such as: Super Mario Bros, Suikoden (sp?), Resident Evil, Wonderboy, Zelda, and Castlevania.

I like RPG's ( obviously with Suikoden ) and action games, but I can't go wrong with some good side scrolling action either.

I'm one of those on and off gamers. I play ofr a while, real life gets in the way ( such as my recent wedding ) and then I get back into it.

I'm hoping to slowly rebuild my game collection and try and get a few more systems ( NES , Sega Saturn and 32x ) and more games.

Once I get a house the wife promised me a room of my own so I'm going to set it up with my systems =) I'm hoping to set up a rig so I can have all them connected and just use them as I want anytime without having to connect and disconnect them all the time.

Feel free to message me anytime =)