my brother and i actually bought one to try it out.. and sent it back the same day. :C

after putting it on, we realized how unsafe it felt and looked. i mean one, its bulky. very hard to stick something crazy like that into your back pocket or any other regular casing like the review you read earlier sed.

another one was how it actually goes into the memory stick with its rubber strip that wraps around from the back into the memory stick slot. plus the plastic case covering on top of it, its a very flimsy design. it looked like it could easily break or wiggle off.

and back to the rubber strip part. imagine youre listening to your psp and youre in bed, what if its on the ground when you wake up? that means it fell, right? now imagine it landing on the rubber strip part. we felt that if it messes up becuz of that, then bam, there goes $230.

also, the memory itself. i forgot what it was, but it was actually i think 3.6gb (somewhere around that). I thought to myself, ok, thats koo, regular mem sticks do that too, shortened by a little. just like how dvd-r's have a max capacity of 4.5gb instead of the advertised 4.7gb. whenever you try transferring and accessing files from it, however, the 4gb part gets really and quickly warm. that again, felt unsafe.

the battery part is nice, but again another bulky issue. i heart my sony 2200 mAh battery tho, larger power capacity than standard and is regular size compared to the larger 2x battery thats included with this.

plus thats hella space, wth are you going to do bringing around 4gb on a psp like that, when you seem to already be doing fine with your smaller stick that you have right now (me and my brother decided to stick with our 512's).

thats our opinion on it. just didnt feel worth the $230.