Quote Originally Posted by Ed Oscuro
Quote Originally Posted by Trebuken
I agree these are probably not representative od the final product, but I would ask everyone's opinion as to whether or not the PS3 or 360 for that matter may eventually be able to produce these sorts of games?
What do you mean? The FPS doesn't look too surprising given the hardware (it's on a level with Half-Life 2), and War Hawk looks pretty pathetic, aside from the clouds. Ratchet's the one I have the most doubts about, but that's probably not too incredible either - think that the 360 can play Elder Scrolls III, which also has lots of detail onscreen all the time.
I'm thinking along the lines of the Motorstrom shots, or maybe the KillSwitch shots from E3 last year. Pipe Dreams or future gameplay on the PS3 and 360?
