In looking over the comments about members not taking a chance on newbs, by being so paranoid about being scammed by posters with little or no feedback or low post-counts, one also runs the risk of totally missing out on finding new reliable and honest traders/sellers as well. I personally don't do alot of posting, but when I first started replying to a few WTB posts, an established member of this board "took a chance" on me as a total newb. (at that time, I had NO feedback, and maybe about 4 posts) But, as a result, over the next few months he ended up buying literally thousands of $ worth of additional classic games from me. Similarly, when I started my own selling thread last year, a few others took a chance and ended up glad that they did. I'm not saying one should not be reasonably cautious <insert George Bush Sr. "prudent" quote here>, but if nobody ever trusted anyone, there would never be any trading/buying/selling going on at all. It's like the "real" world in the sense that the only way to become established at something is for someone to give you a chance. Anyways, that's my two-cents worth on that...
I'd also like to thank Berserker for the good detective-work; it's nice to know you guys are out there keeping this board the cool place that it is.