Quote Originally Posted by Jibbajaba
By your logic, why doesn't every brand that manufactures anything that is sold in large quantities have their own store?

Would you go to a store that only sold toilet paper? My logic isn't that things sold in large quantities should have it's own store, I'm saying big box stores can do it cheaper than the Manufacturer could.

I'm trying to make two points here.

The first one: The cost to set up a national chain of stores is difficult and expensive to do. And once it is set up, the cost of operating the chain is higher than dealing with the established chains due to their tremendous buying power.

The second one: People don't want to go to the specialty store to buy things. They want to go to one place, it was that idea that started stores like Wal-Mart. One stop shopping, sure the idea has fragmented into large specialty chains, like Best Buy, or The Gap or whatever. But to fragment it even further into the Nintendo store, the Microsoft Store, the LG store, the Sega Store, the Toshiba Store. Doesn't make sense. Look around where you sit right now. Now imagine driving to a different store to get every item with a different brand name on it? Would you? Could you? ESPECIALLY if the same product was available somewhere else where more products you wanted or needed were?