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Thread: The Official Nintendo Wii Thread.

  1. #161
    Cherry (Level 1) OdSquad64's Avatar
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    Personally I think Wii is a silly name for pretty much anything. However, I will be purchasing one on launch day and I know that when I ask for it I'll undoubtedly have a smirk on my face from saying something so silly. But who's to say Nintendo won't change the name for other countries (not saying they will), it's seems reasonable enough and in fact they've done it before, so it's not completely out of the question. Sure, it seems shallow to judge the console on its name alone, but guess what, there are a helluvalot of shallow people. Will there be people who won't buy the console based soley on the fact that its name is "Wii"? Yes. I will honestly say that I believe a majority of those people are the uninformed consumer and the non gaming types Nintendo is aiming this console towards. In a best case scenario people will ignore the name and the Wii will be a success, but only time will tell.

    I will however be refering to the Wii as the Nintendo World War II amongst freinds from this point on as I think it is a nifty nick name.

    Also please note, if I ever saw a product named the "Fagatron 4000" I would buy it immediately regardless of cost, what it was, or what purpose it served.

  2. #162

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    Quote Originally Posted by hezeuschrist
    Ugh, Y would have been terrible, even worse that Wii from a marketing standpoint.

    The Nintendo Why. It would instantly cause the consumer to question the product itself and wonder why Nintendo made it. It would be an instant negative disposition towards the product.
    And Wii isn't?

    I'd like to take this opportunity to get Zach Meston's opinion on this subject. Zach, take it away!

    Thanks for your opinion Zach, it truly mattered.

  3. #163
    Apple (Level 5) studvicious's Avatar
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    At least IPod makes sense. Think about peas in a pod, that's exactly what it means: the pod holds the peas. SO you have a pod from Apple that holds tunes, files, videos whatever and it's YOURS - it's personal. It's MY pod. It's ME MINE I, it's an IPod.

    That was clear as day to me the first time that I heard about an Ipod and what it did - great name. WII?? I just don't understand why they would choose it. It's *stupid*. And yes I've read their reasonings for choosing that name and it's still stupid.

    Don't get me wrong though, I'm preordering one the first second that I can, I just think that it's a dumb name.

    I've also never thought that the Gamecube was dumb - obviously straight to the point and not very original sure, but it wasn't bad. The name Dreamcast never struck me as odd either. It gave a sense of a limitless future. But that's just my $0.02

  4. #164
    Pac-Man (Level 10) hezeuschrist's Avatar
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    Seriously, Nintendo doomsday theories are so last week. This name isn't going to sink the console. This name is not going to sink the company. This name WILL help bring the system to the mainstream, and it WILL help it gain mass acceptance.

    Weather or not you can see that is completely irrelevant. You can swear up and down that the first thing a rational adult sees when they hear the word "we" is a dick or a puddle of urine. And I'll swear up and down that you're wrong. No one here has any reasonable way to claim that they've actually managed to take an unbiased view of it, and if you try to say that then you're REALLY full of shit.

    Nintendo hasn't always been a genius factory in their major decisions, but they know whats at stake now. The cockiness of the post-SNES era is gone, Yamamuchi is gone. If the amalgamation of internet toughguys had their way with Nintendo they'd have been in the shitter three years ago.

    I don't know how you can so quickly discredit a marketing decision made by the company who took the DS from being a wholesale ridicule machine to the most popular handheld in the world. Do the games do it? Yeah. Does their marketing do it? Absolutely. It's both, and given that the Wii can have the same quality of titles that the DS has, the combination of the two is going to push the Wii past the gamecube (in popularity) in no time.

    And thats it. I'll be sure to link back to this thread in two years and we'll see what "Wii" brings to your mind then.

  5. #165
    Key (Level 9)
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    One thing I love about the name is that when spoken it has the effect of turning game titles into verbs.. you write "wii madden" but hear "we (play) madden."

    "What do you want to play today?"
    "Wii madden" (sounds like "we (are going to) play madden")


    Quirky as all hell but growing on me rapidly.

  6. #166
    Kirby (Level 13) Buyatari's Avatar
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    "wii madden" but hear "we (play) madden."

    Ehh I hear it as. Wee little Madden. As in a fraction of the whole.

    wee - to pee
    wee - teeny tiny
    wee - giddy toddler exclamation

    I'm sure this name is great for a Japanese launch but not for a US launch but it depends on your market. Its an ok name for a 4yr olds toy but if you want to earn back some of rep you lost on the last 2 systems with the 20some year old gamer this is not the way to do it.

    Lets not beat around the bush if you are going to do it then just do it. Just merge with Disney make only E rated games for kids and be done with it. You will mantain a profit system after system but will never have the market share you once had as the NES or even the SNES.

  7. #167
    Strawberry (Level 2) Schenley's Avatar
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    OK, I just spent wayyyy too much time reading through 7 pages on this.

    I gotta admit, when I first heard about this on Thursday, I HATED it. Looking at the word made me think it was Japanese. Hearing it, of course, made me think of piss.

    But, after letting it sink in a while, it is growing on me.

    Without adding "me too" stuff that's already been said...

    -Wii, if I'm not mistaken, is recognizable in any language.
    -This has certainly gotten people talking. I cannot remember ever hearing so much talk based solely on a name...
    -Although many people have connected it to piss, how about wheeeee - another term from childhood that was yelled when having extreme enjoyment - like on a rollercoaster, water slide, or sleigh riding.

    I think this will work, and in two years, this will be as common sounding a term as iPod.

    Oh, and I don't get the people that don't know how to pronounce it. How on earth would get "Why" out of the spelling of Wii?
    Need. More. Games.

  8. #168
    Apple (Level 5) studvicious's Avatar
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    Just imagine the two-headed monster on Sesame Street putting this together... "W" ... "I"



    Something like that

  9. #169
    Pear (Level 6) Slipdeath's Avatar
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    The reason for the name is to rhyme with the Xbox three sixtii and the ps thrii

  10. #170
    Alex (Level 15) InsaneDavid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Happy_Dude
    hey must have been smoking Wiid
    Oh man..

    If "I want the CubeStationBox2.. uh.. you know, the one that's purple and looks like a purse" in the retail chain wasn't bad enough last time around I can just imagine what this is going to do. Then the un-tech types are going to see "Nintendo wifi connection" somewhere and think it's pronounced "weefee."

    Quote Originally Posted by rbudrick
    RULE number one opf marketing: NEver, ever confuse the consumer.
    And there you have it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rev. Link
    ASSEMblerEX: (I didn't want to quote that long post) Nice! That girl's fine. But what's with the drawn on scars all over her chest? Is she supposed to be done up like some game/anime character I'm just unfamiliar with? Or is that perhaps bleed-through from some other picture?
    Quote Originally Posted by ASSEMblerEX
    It's cosplay. Some game character.
    Quote Originally Posted by sabre2922
    Isnt she supposed to be THE BOSS? u know guys Metal Gear Solid 3
    Really... was saying that myself. That's supposed to be The Boss, have you not played Metal Gear Solid 3? It's a long snake shaped scar along her upper body.

  11. #171
    Pac-Man (Level 10) smork's Avatar
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    People are bored; there's already a Wiki for it!

    And it sure looks like the Government of India will be getting alot more hits soon.

  12. #172
    Great Puma (Level 12) YoshiM's Avatar
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    Well, I kinda did a "test" to see what reactions a person who isn't really a gamer would have.

    First subject: my wife. She's a casual gamer, loves her DS and Animal Crossing. I told her the new name. She gave me a funny look and said "that's gay." I then explained to her the meaning of "Wii" and her mind didn't change.

    Next subject: my sister-in-law. Hasn't really been "into" games since the N64 and The New Tetris. She's practically "non gamer" who rarely picks up the 360 controller to play PGR3. Her response, and I quote (as in I'm not just making this up), "that is so gay."

    Even though I get the concept, I still don't like it. Alone without explaination it says *nothing* about the system. Not even the video really says anything because the concept of a *given*. Nintendo has been strongly promoting multiplayer since putting four controller ports on the N64. Xbox Live has pretty much made the online concept of console multiplayer gaming mainstream. Even non-gamers who sit at their computer playing Bejeweled or something probably have a good idea that their scores are compared with other people online. So the emphasis on "we" is practically a backtrack, as if Nintendo thinks they are revolutionizing multiplayer. They're not.

    They could have just called the system the REV. It could be an acronym (how Sony would "Revolutionary Entertainment Vehicle" sound?). It could represent a strong ad campaign (" up......REV...olt against the ordinary.....REV...ise everything you know about video games.....The Nintendo REV). Easy to say, even in Japanese. And it's doesn't require a paragraph to explain what the hell it means.

    If I had the balls, I'd LOVE to go to a store and do a "man on the street" type interview with people. I'd love to see their reactions to the name-people that Nintendo is targeting with the Wii.

  13. #173
    Alex (Level 15) boatofcar's Avatar
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    Don't worry, the name might be a joke anyway.

  14. #174
    Peach (Level 3)
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    I wanted to make a pic of Calvin pissing on a Wii logo, but the gimp doesn't want to work on my old ibook.

    I'll leave it to some other savvy DP'er

  15. #175
    Apple (Level 5)
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    Quote Originally Posted by boatofcar
    Don't worry, the name might be a joke anyway.
    Anyone who's actually worried about this title should do the gaming populous a favor and not be a part of it anymore.

    And the day Kotaku becomes a completely reputable source is the day I quit gaming.

  16. #176
    Strawberry (Level 2) JPeeples's Avatar
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    I love that people have made a far bigger deal of the name than even Nintendo has. I wouldn't mind if the system got another name, but "Wii" is just fine.

  17. #177
    Pear (Level 6) Rev. Link's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneDavid
    Really... was saying that myself. That's supposed to be The Boss, have you not played Metal Gear Solid 3? It's a long snake shaped scar along her upper body.
    Haven't gotten around to Snake Eater yet. Sue me.

    Anyway, as for Wii... Now that time has passed and I've gotten to talk to some of my friends about it (some big gamers, some not) my stance on the issue remains pretty much the same. This might just be the stupidest name in the history of the industry. Now, of course I'm going to buy it, that was never in question. I look forward to it very much. But I still think that the non-gaming crowd Nintendo's trying to appeal to is going to think this is stupid and not give it a second thought.

    I really see this as a missed opportunity for Nintendo. They had the chance to really catch people's attention with a cool name, even if it meant they had to call it something different here in the US than in the rest of the world. Instead, they'll still catch people's attentions, though in a potentially negative way. One, I might add, that does nothing to help the "kiddy" image they've been working to overcome.

    <shrugs> What can you do, though. In the end, we just have to trust to them to know what they're doing. I hope they prove that they do. Sink or swim, though, I'll definitely be along for the ride, same as I have for the majority of my life.
    I only need 2 more NES games (US)!

  18. #178
    Pac-Man (Level 10) hezeuschrist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YoshiM
    without explaination it says *nothing* about the system.
    Ugh, thats a horrid point. Xbox? What the hell does that say? It's a box, in the shape of an X. Congratulations, thats what it looked like, what does it do?

    Playstation? I get it. It's simple but childish, but Sonys marketing has turned into THE brand to own. Why you think Nintendo can't do the same with Wii is beyond me.

    I still can't believe I'm the only one playing devils advocate here. People are bringing up all kinds of points against the system that can be made against any other name in the tech industry, but are only bringing them up now because they personally think the name likes penis in its bum. Thats absurd.

    When it comes down to it, you can take any name and brand the shit out of it. It doesn't matter what it's called, if the marketing does what it can and should do, it'll be popular. They can make "Wii" the coolest thing on the block. The only explanation you need is, "It's a video game system." there you go, I just solved the riddle. When you start looking into WHY name something as it is, you're going to deep. Why name New Egg? Zip Zoom Fly, Amazon? Why name Google Google? Why name Xbox Xbox? None of those names say ANYTHING about the product or service they represent even in the most convoluted of explanations. It's taking shit simply because the internet goons deem it needs to take shit for having a terribly remote affiliation with urine.

    Fucking absurd.

  19. #179
    Apple (Level 5) studvicious's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rev. Link
    Sink or swim, though, I'll definitely be along for the ride, same as I have for the majority of my life.
    Couldn't have said it better myself.

  20. #180
    Apple (Level 5) studvicious's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hezeuschrist
    I still can't believe I'm the only one playing devils advocate here.
    I don't understand why you think you're right and everyone else is wrong. Can't people just have different OPINIONS and leave it at that?

    When you talk about names that have nothing to do with the product, names like Google, Yahoo, newegg, whatever.. and then Wii it's really Apples and Oranges (IMO). They could've named it "scrumtrulecent" and that (in a way) would've been better and more comparable to the names mentioned above, why?? It's technically pronouncable. Remember when Prince changed his name to a symbol? People didn't buy it.. it was dumb. The biggest beef I have with the Wii name is just that - at least give us a name that has an unquestionable pronunciation.

    But when all is said and done I really don't care what they call the thing as long as I GET ONE.

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