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Thread: The Official Nintendo Wii Thread.

  1. #181
    Pac-Man (Level 10) FantasiaWHT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hezeuschrist
    It's taking shit simply because the internet goons deem it needs to take shit for having a terribly remote affiliation with urine.

    Fucking absurd.
    The obvious inaccuracy in your statement is that it's NOT just internet goons who make the association with bathroom humor. Every single person I've talked to, gamer and non-gamer alike, has had a nearly identical reaction to the name.

    The other problem you have is you are assigning peurile reactions to US. You and the handful of other defenders of Wii are trying to make us seem like we have the intellectual capacity of Beavis and Butthead because we NOTICE the potty joke possibilities.

    The "best" argument out there is that "a bad name won't hurt the sales of the system", which goes against all the established knowledge of marketing. If you think a bad name can't hurt the sales of a system, you must also think a good name can't help the sales of a system (or your logic is just messed up), which, if trues, makes me wonder why you're arguing so hard?

  2. #182
    Pear (Level 6) Rev. Link's Avatar
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    hezeuschrist: Most of what you're saying I agree with. If marketed correctly a goofy name for a product/service can work. In some cases it can work really well. And if anyone can make the name "Wii" work it's probably Nintendo.

    I think what most of us have a problem with, though, no matter how well Nintendo markets it and even if it is well recieved by the general public, is that the name "Wii" is just plain stupid sounding! I mean, Google, Yahoo, etc., those are weird names, but Wii? C'mon, you have to admit it's on the extreme end of the spectrum.
    I only need 2 more NES games (US)!

  3. #183
    Pac-Man (Level 10) hezeuschrist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FantasiaWHT
    The "best" argument out there is that "a bad name won't hurt the sales of the system", which goes against all the established knowledge of marketing. If you think a bad name can't hurt the sales of a system, you must also think a good name can't help the sales of a system (or your logic is just messed up), which, if trues, makes me wonder why you're arguing so hard?
    I'm not arguing that a bad name for a product won't hurt the sales of said product. If you named a blender "The Toastmaster" you'd have confused the consumer and lead them elsewhere.

    My point is that, regardless of personal opinion, Wii is not a bad name. Do I like it? Completely irrelevant, but if you find my first post in the thread you'll probably have your answer. It's totally different and it is WAY out there. The only reason we don't see other major brands like Amazon, Google, and Xbox as way out there is because they're established and they have been for the better part of a decade. And much like these odd brands it has incredible potential.

    But still, the majority of people refuse to believe that there is a counter point, that it does have massive potential. In the forefront of most internet junkies minds is a load of piss jokes. I've been around the most disgusting corners of the internet and I'm far more confused by this than I am by tubgirl or goatse. Seriously, tubgirl managed to shit on her own face and I'm far more confused by the fact that the Nintendo faithful have absolutely no faith that Nintendo knows what they're doing.

    I guess that's what's really got me riled up. For as long as I can remember, and I was a part of this for a long time, most people think they know the answers to put Nintendo back on top. Drop the kiddy image, do this, do that, put GTA on your console, make it play DVD's, follow the leader. But through all the unpopular decisions the company still turns GREAT profits, and we all get to continue to enjoy their great games, and it doesn't seem that in the midst of any of this greatness that anyone is very grateful. There are so many aboslute statements all over the net claiming that the title of this system is a death sentance for the consoles popularity, that no one will ever be able to see past it's initial absurdness. Even when presented with a load of ultra popular brands that make no sense, this thought still prevails. No faith, just pee jokes. I just find it baffling that so many fans think the company that gave rebirth to the industry they love has absolutely no idea what it's doing. Mind blowing really.

    There's pretty much nothing more I can say, and I'm not trying to change minds as much as I'd like to simply open them. We'll see how the situation pans out past E3, through launch and into the systems life.

  4. #184
    Great Puma (Level 12) YoshiM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hezeuschrist
    Quote Originally Posted by YoshiM
    without explaination it says *nothing* about the system.
    Ugh, thats a horrid point. Xbox? What the hell does that say? It's a box, in the shape of an X. Congratulations, thats what it looked like, what does it do?
    Ahhh, but you seem to be missing a point: the target audience! Xbox was specifically (at least the way I saw things back at the system's launch) marketed to gamers. Gamers knew about Xbox thanks to the power of the web and news spots. However, if you weren't a gamer, you didn't really know. But that was okay, with games like Halo or DOA 3, they didn't want Johnny Game Latelys...they wanted the gamers. It worked.

    Nintendo, on the other hand, wants to attract the *non* gamer. The non-gamer doesn't go online to find out about gaming, doesn't read Nintendo Power or G.I. and probably doesn't go on message boards to discuss gaming. They probably couldn't tell an Xbox from a Playstation and probably wouldn't care anyway. Essentially, a clean slate.

    Now, tell them they want a Wii.

    With iPod the name was attached to "something". A pod is tangible and typically small (pea pod, for example). For those who didn't know what Apple was up to or knew anything about MP3 players (as they were out before iPod), a 30 second commercial of a silouette of a dude dancing with an iPod, with music in the background and a close up of the device itself made the concept very clear.

    Nintendo releases a "webmercial" that, to the non-gamer, may raise more questions than give answers. By seeing the Nintendo name they may figure out that Wii has something to do with gaming but what really they wouldn't know.

    By sticking with "Revolution" the non gamer could come away with "Wow, it must be really something if they call it a Revolution".

    Playstation? I get it. It's simple but childish, but Sonys marketing has turned into THE brand to own. Why you think Nintendo can't do the same with Wii is beyond me.
    Again, different audiences. Playstation was advertised to gamers, with marketing that compared them to Sega and Nintendo. If you were a gamer, you'd know what a Playstation was. If you weren't, it didn't matter to Sony because they were competing by advertising the most advanced system on the market. And the non gamer probably wouldn't care about being able to play with polygonal characters as opposed to flat sprites.

    When it comes down to it, you can take any name and brand the shit out of it. It doesn't matter what it's called, if the marketing does what it can and should do, it'll be popular. They can make "Wii" the coolest thing on the block. The only explanation you need is, "It's a video game system." there you go, I just solved the riddle.
    Thing is, people will want to know WHY it's called "Wii". It's just too damn obscure to not require some sort of explation as to why it's called that.

    "Is it really small?"

    "No: With this system they say It's not about you and me, it's about Wii"


    It's a limp (no pun intended) word and in marketing, that sucks.

    When you start looking into WHY name something as it is, you're going to deep.
    Which is why good marketing doesn't make people wonder why things are named the way they are. It also helps when you target to the proper demographic. For common household things, you want something that can be quickly identified like Windex (cleans windows as that's how its advertised) or Oxyclean (cleans stuff with oxygen). As for your queries:

    Why name New Egg?
    "Egg" sounds close to the term "Egg head", meaning intelligent. Can't quite figure out where "new" fits in, but the website was obviously targeted to computer people. It's catchy and techy people "get it". If you don't get it, you probably aren't the target demographic.

    Zip Zoom Fly
    Read the site's About Us page. Again, targeted to a computer audience.

    Of course, you're using Internet sites for examples. Even in this day and age of the Web, comparing a virtual store with a bonefide physical product are almost apples and oranges.

  5. #185
    Insert Coin (Level 0)
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    if i buy a next gen system it will be the revo--uh, wii. i was sold when they stated that you would be able to download and play most any game from nintendos past on it. then when sega came onboard with the genesis titles i really was blown away. i think nintendo may have a big hit on their hands with this one. as far as the name , i dont care for it, but i still expect nintendo to throw another curveball before it comes out.

  6. #186
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    I don't think the name "Wii" is a bad name in the slightest. When I first heard it, I was put off a little for a total of one minute and then I started to think of the simplicity of the name and also thought about it in terms of graphic design and branding.

    I think that it has a lot of potantial and I feel that Nintendo could definetly have a winner on their hands with this. "Wii" want a revolution, "Wii" want interesting new ideas, "Wii" want to experience nirvana. "Wii" are waiting.


  7. #187
    Pac-Man (Level 10) hezeuschrist's Avatar
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    I'd accept your points if the product were on the shelf for the past three years, but the NAME has only been announced for THREE DAYS. You want me to go tell someone they want a product that doesn't even exist yet?

    Nintendo is going to have aboslutley MAJOR advertising campaigns surround this machine, before, during, and after launch. They're going to push this name into our brains that the Wii is a gaming machine. It's had absolutely no time to brand itself. I don't know how this point is escaping anyone. THREE DAYS. It's not going for mass market appeal until it's available. The hardcore will snatch the thing up at launch and when they replenish stock they'll come back and do their best to make everyone who doesn't play games want one.

    Nintendo doesn't need to market to gamers, the news sites do it all for them. It's rampantly obvious that Nintendo is following the Apple model of product design and to think that they'd do anything other than copy their marketing design is pretty silly, even their tone in the announcement reeks of Apple. Nintendo will absolutely push this to the point where the consumer is going to want one just because they see it on TV every four minutes.

    I'm still just blown away that after the name of a product has been announced for three days so many are just declaring it dead in the water. And what's even more baffling is the only "reason" this is even being declared is because "the name is dumb."

  8. #188
    Peach (Level 3) 2Dskillz's Avatar
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    What is an iPOD?
    They call me Ha-do-ken, cause I'm down, right, fierce.

  9. #189
    Apple (Level 5) studvicious's Avatar
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    Who said this thing is dead in the water? I think that it will sell VERY well. Way better than the Gamecube in fact. I think they are doing a lot of things right especially when it comes to 3rd party games this time around, I just think it's a dumb name. And whether you want to belive it or not so do most other people.

  10. #190
    Great Puma (Level 12) YoshiM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hezeuschrist
    I'd accept your points if the product were on the shelf for the past three years, but the NAME has only been announced for THREE DAYS. You want me to go tell someone they want a product that doesn't even exist yet?
    I was gearing my thoughts toward the near future rather than right now. Hard to sell the concept of nothing. Unless you're Sony

    Nintendo is going to have aboslutley MAJOR advertising campaigns surround this machine, before, during, and after launch. They're going to push this name into our brains that the Wii is a gaming machine. It's had absolutely no time to brand itself. I don't know how this point is escaping anyone. THREE DAYS. It's not going for mass market appeal until it's available. The hardcore will snatch the thing up at launch and when they replenish stock they'll come back and do their best to make everyone who doesn't play games want one.
    I hope they do. I really do. I'd like Nintendo to do well because they do bring some great games and concepts. I bad mouthed the DS because the concept of the touch screen seemed sooooo hokey. Now it's one of my favorite game systems.

    With "Revolution", the code name meant something. Something new, something bold. "Wii" just sounds neutered and I'm having a hard time wondering how the targeted audience is going to wrap their brains around that word unless Nintendo really *is* going to flood the airwaves with strong advertising. However advertising hasn't really been Nintendo's strong point over the recent years. Either that or I've been reading the wrong magazines or watching the wrong channels at the wrong times on TV and missed Nintendo's support of the Gamecube, GBA or DS.

    I'm still just blown away that after the name of a product has been announced for three days so many are just declaring it dead in the water. And what's even more baffling is the only "reason" this is even being declared is because "the name is dumb."
    I totally agree with you on this. Just mind boggling. I know I'm griping about how non gamer folk are going to grasp the concept of what a "Wii" is but I don't think the system's going to sink. Unless the control scheme is so out there that no one but developers can figure it out it should at least do as well as the Gamecube just because it's Nintendo.

  11. #191
    Pac-Man (Level 10) hezeuschrist's Avatar
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    I think that more than the convoluted explanation Nintendo has given for the the name, that the name itself personifies what the system is trying to do.

    Nintendo is trying to break the mold of the current industry with bold simplicity in both control scheme and name. If they're going to try and reinvent the wheel they may as well take the leap and abandon the trite naming conventions of the industry as well.

  12. #192

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    Hezeus seems to be like a bizarro world Zach Meston. It's amazing to watch.

    Still think the name could be better though.

  13. #193
    Strawberry (Level 2) RegSNES's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Happy_Dude
    My thought's exactly. My reaction to this was almost on par to my reaction to seeing the PS3 controller.

    I spare the bad puns since a billion of them have already been plastered all over the net. "Revolution" was a fine name. A name Nintendo should have went with. Sounded better than PS3, that's for sure. Yes, like many, I think the name sucks. But hey, I'll still be buying one.

  14. #194
    ServBot (Level 11) Iron Draggon's Avatar
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    You know, I wonder what the lame explanation for the super-retarded name of this system is in other languages. OK, "we" get the point of why it's called "wii" here in the US and in other English speaking countries, but what the hell is their explanation for the world's lamest name in other countries where they don't speak English? I'd like to know.
    You can't run with the big dogs if you pee like a puppy!

    Get BIT!

  15. #195
    Pac-Man (Level 10) hezeuschrist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by portnoyd
    Hezeus seems to be like a bizarro world Zach Meston. It's amazing to watch.

    Still think the name could be better though.
    Ouch, that hurts. Is that really how I come off? I'm certainly not meaning to stand on any kind of soap box, but when you're arguing against "wee" jokes it's kinda hard :/

  16. #196
    Pear (Level 6) Rev. Link's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hezeuschrist
    Quote Originally Posted by portnoyd
    Hezeus seems to be like a bizarro world Zach Meston. It's amazing to watch.

    Still think the name could be better though.
    Ouch, that hurts. Is that really how I come off? I'm certainly not meaning to stand on any kind of soap box, but when you're arguing against "wee" jokes it's kinda hard :/
    Hey, I get where you're coming from. I just think that, no matter how well Nintendo markets it and even if it does wind up catching on like wildfire and becoming an iPod-like phenomenon, it'll still be a stupid sounding name.
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  17. #197
    Cherry (Level 1)
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    I think one reason why people don't like the name is just that it isn't Revolution. It may not have mattered what they changed it to, just that they changed it at all. If they hadn't spent a year or two referring to it as the Revolution, and just called it Wii to begin with, people wouldn't be nearly as upset. People accepted Yahoo, Google, and iPod, because they didn't have previous superior names to compare them to.

  18. #198

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    The name sounds good to me. It is unique, memorable, a bit 'off' (which is also very fashionable), and can be filled with quality (which matters in the end) ...I don't understand the excitement about it. It certainly won't hurt any sales figures.

  19. #199

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    Quote Originally Posted by Iron Draggon
    You know, I wonder what the lame explanation for the super-retarded name of this system is in other languages. OK, "we" get the point of why it's called "wii" here in the US and in other English speaking countries, but what the hell is their explanation for the world's lamest name in other countries where they don't speak English? I'd like to know.
    Not a prob at all because non-English speaking countries use 'inventive' English all the time which sounds very strange but not for "handy" (for cell-phone) in Germany. The big word in Germany is now "wellness." There are wellness hotels, wellness weekends, even wellness socks and wellness weight. Dumb, stupid...but it works because a lot of terms can develop positive can Wii. (besides, even in the Brazilian jungle the meaning of the English "we" is easily understood)

  20. #200
    Great Puma (Level 12) YoshiM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lendelin
    The name sounds good to me. It is unique, memorable, a bit 'off' (which is also very fashionable), and can be filled with quality (which matters in the end) ...I don't understand the excitement about it. It certainly won't hurt any sales figures.
    Wow. "Wii" brings lendelin back. Nintendo's right, it not about you or me, it really IS about Wii....

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