Quote Originally Posted by Porksta View Post
I never said he was using the larger hard drive to play pirated games. I just said that by installing a larger hard drive he was violating the TOS. Do I think people should be able to use any hard drive they want? Sure. However Microsoft does not, and since it is their system, why are they not allowed to set the rules? If you don't want to pay the prices Microsoft has set, then do not buy a hard drive for your 360. Microsoft was nice enough to include a hard drive with my 360, and I have yet to fill up even half of it.
I'll come from your school of awful examples: my car came stock with a gas tank that holds 2/3 of a gallon of gas. I can use it, but it runs out of gas several times before I get to work. However, I can buy a better gas tank that holds 5 gallons, but it costs 3x the price of a normal gas tank like the one that comes in kupomogli's car. This better tank still won't get me to work without running out. However, skaar offers me a normal priced gas tank that holds even more gas to replace the midget sized one I just got stock.

By your rules, I should be a good little boy and run out of gas on a daily basis.

Portnoyd - when I actually stop being holier than thou, then you have a reason to get upset. Until the time comes that I stop obeying the rules and laws set forth, then I can act however I want. Those that violate rules and laws will always be < than those that obey the rules and act like pricks.
It's really getting old now. I hope your head implodes the second you drive a mile over the speed limit.