The internet issue isn't just limited to multiplayer or patches though. In some cases even getting the actual game requires online access (even if you buy a physical copy).

Hell, I already have problems just downloading my GOG library--and those are old games with small filesizes, no online features, and no DRM. I still have to do stuff like get up late at night so I can make use of my ISP's late-night free zone. Which can conflict with other plans I have and mess me up since I miss sleep (and if the fact I had surgery last november is anything to go by, my health doesn't need more hits). I actually stopped buying games on GOG for this reason, preferring to just wait for a physical disc to be delivered in the mail since for me that's actually a lot more convenient.

One game I want to get is Mega Man Legacy Collection (mostly just the second one since I never got a chance to play MM9 or 10), but the version I thought of getting--the Switch version (because the Switch can be played as a portable and thus would be more convenient for my purposes)--supposedly does a thing where you have to get online to download half the data. I'm not sure what the case is with the other versions. I suppose I could get Steam and play them on my laptop but then that's all-digital.


Well, hopefully this lottery ticket I bought will allow me to change houses and get better internet.