Once again, its best to simply ignore every single word MyTurnToPlay posted.

Now for real answers to dgdgagdae's initial post:

RetroZone's turnaround time varies, but I'd say give them around a month from the time you order to the time it shows up at your door. They aren't crooks, but it does sometimes take a while.

the NES Powerpak is a fantastic piece of technology, and is extremely advanced thank its its use of FPGA controller mapper codes. The NES is notoriously difficult to emulate accurately given the huge range of mappers and MMCs. The fact that the Powerpak is able to create 1:1 versions of nearly all of them at present (with future updates always possible) is reason enough to own one. Plus it saves game data to flash memory, making the Powerpak ideal for long NES RPGs where you might be worried about erasing your battery backed save.

You said you emailed them and haven't heard back. This is not unusual - Bunnyboy virtually never answers emails or pms. You can try asking around on NintendoAge, but yeah, I wouldnt' hold your breath for a response from Retrozone anytime soon.

As for StoneAge Gamer, I can only really tell you that it'll be available when its available. That's just how it is with these things. StoneAge gamer will porbably respond, but I don't think he'll tell you anything that I already didnt.

If you're interested in an SNES flashcart, you might again want to consider the Retrozone SNES Powerpak over the Super Everdrive. The Super Powerpak is again FPGA based, while the Everdrive isn't. The FPGA allows the powerpak to easily emulate any SNES game that doesn't use expansion chips other than the DSP1. The file structure system is also completely different on the Everdrive.

However, unless you need to get an SNES flashcart now, I'd recommend waiting and keeping an eye on an upcoming one called SD2SNES.


It promises to run expansion SNES chips including DSP1 (Pilotwings, Mario Kart) CX4 (Megaman X2, X3) and GSU1 (StarFox) with more to be announced. This will make it the first and only flashcart to handle SNES games that used expansion hardware. It's very exciting stuff.