Quote Originally Posted by kupomogli View Post
So correct me if I'm wrong, Tomb Raider and Metal Gear Solid on the PS1 don't have tutorials?
They do, but they're optional--MGS1 handles it by giving you "VR missions" you can play which teach you the basics (and are a fun game in themselves with high scores you can reach). Tomb Raider lets you explore Lara's house which is basically a safe place to mess with the controls and learn the mechanics.

You need a "TV" to play any console. Edmond Dantes bringing that up in the first place to justify his reasoning, just shows it's nothing more than blind hate, which is pretty much all these threads are in the first place.
I love how I actually pointed out a LOT of things but you somehow boiled it down to JUST a TV. Seems like I'm not the one being "blind" here.

The real issue is I have a CRT that works fine, I don't have the space for a second TV and I don't want to deal with potential compatibility issues. Also I mentioned things like a lot of games having internet-dependent features (if you tell me that internet with no bandwidth or download limits is within easy grasp, I'll know you're some spoiled rich kid, because it f***ing isn't).

Yeah, god forbid I put realistic practical concerns about time, money, living space (which is cramped as is) and other logistical stuff into decisions involving a form of entertainment. Totally makes me the nut here.