Quote Originally Posted by Rogmeister View Post
There's exactly one 7-11 in my area which isn't too far from me. Burritos and Slurpees are things I try to avoid these days but I may stop by just for the heck of it to see if mine is offering any games. One question I have is...how are the prices? I'm guessing they would probably be more expensive than most places. 7-11 isn't a place I think of that offers bargains...
They don't have a "games" section if that's what you're hoping for. The ones around here literally get a small box of 5-10 copies of whatever the big game is at the time and keep it behind the counter. The only way you even know something is available is that they do a small handwritten sign. The games are full price plus tax and whatever they don't sell goes back to the distributor within a week or two.