I know my posts tend to be wordy but I want you to go back through them and point out where I said I wanted Kitsune to stop posting. Actually, I'll save you the trouble; because you won't find any wording like that. What was stated was while I find non-gaming finds to be annoying sometimes, my reasoning is because I'm on a GAMING forum and would prefer there to be at the very least a GAMING and NON-GAMING finds thread. But that's just CRAZY talk right?!
The situation presented a chance to possibly develop a compromise for those who also shared a similar viewpoint as myself and I saw the opportunity to post about it. Again, if people saw those responses and resigned them to be merely bitching...well, we're pretty f'ed as a society if those individuals ever attain a position of power and responsibility.
Bleh...now that I got that out of my system, let's wrap this up. My apologies to Kitsune for using him repeatedly as an example but it is what set this off originally. That said, his CDs may not be my thing, but rather than post a backhanded comment about it, I'd rather a compromise be worked out so that such a thing wouldn't come up in the first place. As stated before, my contribution to this was to have a few separate threads. For those who have been complaining about the "complaining" going on, what's your contribution? Obviously keeping things as they are isn't the answer, otherwise Kitsune wouldn't have been subjected to the post by 12P.
C'mon...hopefully something a little better than "Y'all need to STFU and accept it as is" because I can guarantee you I'll use that same rebuttal on you should you EVER bitch about anything on this board from here on out.