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Thread: A few notes and the rules for the 'What's It Worth' forum

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    Default A few notes and the rules for the 'What's It Worth' forum

    Welcome to 'What's It Worth?'! DP's one stop shop where you can find out what something is worth, as well as show off your finds! Need to know what that game you've got collecting dust is worth so you can maximize teh profits? Make a thread, be as descriptive as possible and let the answers come in. Finds don't have to be limited to games, as DVD/CD/Vinyl/Electronic finds are often posted, but please keep those finds in the monthly finds thread.

    A few things to *note*

    Threads are not limited to pricing inquiries
    If you think that a find deserves a thread, go on and make it. However take into consideration that just getting a few run of the mill games/great pricing score on (insert game title here), tend to not get much reaction. Finds of this nature belong in the monthly finds thread stickied at the top of this forum. Now, scoring that mega rare game for a song, a game lot the size of Montana for the cost of a McDonalds cheeseburger in 1960 tend to get alot of attention, so a thread to themselves is often appreciated as to not clutter up the monthly finds thread.

    What is a find
    We like to keep what is determined as a find up to you. If you want to show off your new copy of a game that just came out that you paid MSRP for, by all means. Some see finds as anything aquired, others see it as something they scored big time on. Now having said that, please keep your comments on someones find positive. No need to rip them because you got the same item for less. They're happy they got an item, you should be too. Also, be honest. Getting something on eBay, only to tell us you got it from a thrift/garage sale is unnecessary and a slap in the face to everyone. Lying about the amount paid does the same thing. Just because you paid going rate for something doesn't make you a bad gamer/collector. We all pay going rates at least some of the time. We don't think less of you because of it. However we do think less of you once you've been caught and that never ends well for anyone involved.

    People love the pictures!
    If you have the ability to take em, post em! Not only does it help determine values, but they tend to let everyone experience your finds better. Don't know how to? First get your pictures uploaded to a site like PhotoBucket or Image Shack and then get the image link and surround it by [ img ] url goes here [ /img ] tags (just minus the spaces between img and the brackets).

    Thread bumping
    This forum isn't like Buy/Sell or Everything Auctions. It moves at a much slower pace, so because of that, please don't bump your thread after 24 hours. If its on the first page, it's still being potentially seen by everyone who's come in here. Especially when it's only a few posts down on the page. If no one responds after a few days, then give it a jolt.
    Last edited by PapaStu; 07-08-2010 at 10:41 AM.
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    "Ai Oboete Imasu Ka?" Flashback2012's Avatar
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    Per PapaStu's suggestion, I figure I would post this here instead of in the actual finds thread to reduce clutter.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kitsune Sniper View Post
    It's all about how you ask. Be a douchebag about it, and I won't listen to you. But if you're polite? Then I'll listen.

    I'll probably just mention them in text, not pictures - or just link to the picture of the CDs to save space in the thread. Like today, I only found two music CDs, and I wasn't planning on mentioning them or making a post about it. I didn't find anything particularly interesting or weird, anyway.

    Is that okay?
    I wanted to make sure I responded to this post at least. IMHO KS, you should continue posting like you have been. You've been nothing but compliant with the parameters established and while it's appreciative that you'd be willing to change the way you post to appease some members, I say don't. My apologies to you if my post gave off a douchebag-ish tone, that's wasn't the intention. I also quoted PapaStu's response so I'll elaborate better below...

    (and incidentally, I think you're ACES KS! )

    Quote Originally Posted by portnoyd View Post
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    Quote Originally Posted by PapaStu View Post
    Good gravy, I go away for an evening or two and look at what happens.

    This very same argument came up last year and thats why I created the 'rules' sticky.
    I somewhat remember there being a stink about this topic a while back. It may have been a year but I can't really remember. I'll be perfectly honest, I never paid much attention to this sticky as I figured it was just a "this is how it is" and that responses couldn't be made.

    Quote Originally Posted by PapaStu View Post
    I'm all for alternative suggestions on splitting threads i.e. games vs non games, but in the time that my sticky was made, nary a person has made one comment, even though I left the sticky open to posting. So I can't help but think that people either got 'it', or just didn't give a fuck.
    I'd add a third option in that they might have been ignorant to there being room to debate it. I've seen a few times on this board where it came across as "this is just how it is and how it's going to be" so I figured after the furor died down the last time, the status quo was already in place and any grousing about it would be akin to emptying an Olympic swimming pool full of sand with a slotted teaspoon. Apparently that wasn't the case at all and when given the opportunity the last time to discuss a compromise, people either didn't, wouldn't or couldn't.

    Quote Originally Posted by PapaStu View Post
    I've stated before, I could go and post all my 'finds' but I don't think that most people really care to see my weekly swings into GameStop for MOAR DS, or the fanciful clickings I did to wrangle something off Amazon, though I pwn that 'add to card' button like a fucking champ. I don't go out into the great wild of the thrifts or work my way through Craig's List looking for the next killer deal.
    Good thing I'm not most people. I think it would be great if you and others did post their non-retro purchases and current gen gaming finds. I couldn't care less if they were bought from a GS, BB, or TRU. The aspect I would find appealing is seeing what titles appeal to that individual and see how close their tastes resemble my own. It would also be neat to see how all of these acquisitions and purchases transformed into a full fledged collection. Understandably, it wouldn't appeal to everyone but that's what I would get out of it.

    Quote Originally Posted by PapaStu View Post
    Personally i'm not high on the cd's and non-gamey stuff, but as said, if you feel it's a find and want to take the time to post it, then it's your prerogative. I've seen some interesting toy finds, some interesting electronics finds and even a few interesting random trinket finds in these threads over the years.
    Again I'll apologize to KS if he read my post the wrong way. It's not that I hate the posts with the pics of music CDs, old dot-matrix printers, turn of the 20th century coins, or Sailor Moon fetishes at all, I would just prefer a finds thread that was strictly games and gaming related items and one that features non-gaming oddities and finds. I imagine this might be what Carey85 wanted as well but only he can say for sure.

    As it were, I have a Games for Windows store display "arcade" in my basement. If I had just acquired it and wanted to show everyone, I would consider that a gaming related find. I remember a few months back someone came across a box of Super Mario fruit snacks. Licensed products like that I would also consider that to be gaming related and worthy of inclusion to that particular thread. Now, if someone found a loose Cacoma Knight, a petrified monkey's paw, and a CD that had death metal covers of Conway Twitty songs; I would prefer it if they posted the game by itself in the gaming finds thread and then put the other stuff in a separate thread that's meant for non gaming finds.

    Quote Originally Posted by PapaStu View Post
    Now thats not to say that you might not want to think about just leaving links for the pics of random non-gaming trinkets along with your write up, instead of a pic of item X but again, we're not at that point yet where i've gone and modified 'The Rules' of the monthly finds thread to make it the law of the land.

    So for now, lets keep the +1's out of this thread, and if we've got comments to make, put them in the rules thread, so that the discussion can be kept there away from the finds.
    Hopefully this time around some people other than myself speak up and put their 2¢ in. Personally I don't think it's unreasonable to have separate topics, nor do I think it's a case of being "butthurt" or having an obtuse object up one's backside as some people eloquently put it. I certainly wouldn't mind some separation of things, but at the same time I wouldn't want it to get TOO fragmented.

    I guess I should get the ball rolling and put my suggestion out there.

    What I wouldn't mind is a set up like this....

    (Month) Game/Gaming Related Finds 20XX -Would include consoles systems and gaming computers/PCs, console and PC games, accessories, gaming related collectibles, articles, paraphernalia, clothing, promotional items, furniture, etc

    (Month) Media and Electronics Finds 20XX - Would include any other non-gaming based media such as music CDs/tapes/8-Track, VHS/Beta/MovieCD/DVD/Blu-Ray movies/concerts/films, PC/computer non-gaming/productivity software including operating systems, as well as electronic equipment such as handheld devices, phones, tablets, laptops, scanners, printers, and the like.

    (Month) Odds n' Ends Finds 20XX - Would include just about everything else that one might happen upon. It could be anything from comic books and trading cards to vintage cigars, picture frames, lamps, hats, photographs, posters and wall scrolls (can you tell I'm looking around the room trying to find examples? )

    Some people might be discouraged by having more forums to put posts in but at the same time I think it would be nicer if people who did post pictures posted more pics of items if they separated their finds to the different threads. If someone finds a CIB copy of Dynamite Headdy at a thrift, rather than just showing us a pic of the box and that be it, give a couple more shots showing the game inside with the book or whatever.

    Only time will tell if anything comes of this latest furor or not.
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    I didn't want to post this over there, so.

    I decided to not post pictures of any finds if I didn't get anything gaming related, to offer a bit of compromise to the people who complained about my music stuff. But since some people really didn't care and kept complaining, I don't know what to do anymore.

    I'm honestly fucking tired of all those comments. The double standards being shown there are disgusting. So my music isn't fine, but those AD&D books are? What about those toys and motorbikes that someone else posts? Board games? Figurines? Books?

    Really, I like to show off what I find because some of these CDs AREN'T VERY COMMON. Some are weird, and music, behind gaming, is my main passion and interest. This isn't an e-peen contest. I JUST LIKE MUSIC AND LIKE TO LISTEN TO IT AND SHOW OFF WHAT I FIND BECAUSE I LIKE MUSIC. But if people won't leave well enough alone, then fuck, I just won't post anything.
    Quote Originally Posted by Edmond Dantes View Post
    I can't tell if we're discussing My Little Pony or Neon Genesis Evangelion anymore.
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    seriously the find thread would be massviely boring without the unique stuff that differnt people find (particularly ks's posts) every gamer has unique other interests and its fun to see what they find along with video game finds. seriously its one person whining like a little bitch about it, splitting it into two threads defeats the purpose and makes a fun thread much too complicated I vote for leaving it as is and telling the one crybaby to go fuck himself quietly in the corner

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kitsune Sniper View Post
    I didn't want to post this over there, so.

    I decided to not post pictures of any finds if I didn't get anything gaming related, to offer a bit of compromise to the people who complained about my music stuff. But since some people really didn't care and kept complaining, I don't know what to do anymore.

    I'm honestly fucking tired of all those comments. The double standards being shown there are disgusting. So my music isn't fine, but those AD&D books are? What about those toys and motorbikes that someone else posts? Board games? Figurines? Books?

    Really, I like to show off what I find because some of these CDs AREN'T VERY COMMON. Some are weird, and music, behind gaming, is my main passion and interest. This isn't an e-peen contest. I JUST LIKE MUSIC AND LIKE TO LISTEN TO IT AND SHOW OFF WHAT I FIND BECAUSE I LIKE MUSIC. But if people won't leave well enough alone, then fuck, I just won't post anything.
    Hey Kitsune, I'm glad someone beside myself posted here!

    Just so we're clear....

    A few weeks back I chimed in with my 2¢ on the matter of what is and isn't finds. I agreed with Carey85 that the thread should be for Games and gaming related finds. It mildly escalated and PapaStu said to post here if you had a dissenting view of the situation and I did just that. As a result, I saw that after two weeks, I was the only one who actually did that and everyone just shut up and kept to themselves on the subject. I figured it was a dead-in-the-water issue and even though I was disappointed that things weren't discussed, I accepted things as they were and left well enough alone.

    Now we're right back to where we were two weeks ago. It irritates me because rather than actually discuss things and propose changes as I did, people would just as soon bitch about it and post what would be construed as snide remarks.

    I hope my latest response in that thread didn't provoke the "double standards" comment you were discussing. If you need it spelled out further, here's my official stance on it....If Cornelius' books are considered a find and allowed to be posted, then your CDs are allowed to be posted if you consider them a find. Period. End of story. That also applies to Daryl's pocket bikes, xtremegamer's demo kiosk, or anyone who's posted things like toys, novelties, knick-knacks, boardgames, figurines, books, or whatever else isn't a game or gaming related item that they consider a find.

    In regards to using Cornelius' books versus your CDs, it's NOT a double standard stating that I enjoy looking at pics of those over your CDs. If BOTH are allowed to be posted, there's no double standard in practice or application. I'm merely expressing I'm more fond of one over the other but by no means does that mean I'm stating you can't post your CDs, by all means post as much and as often as you like!! Is that a little more clear?

    To that end, I still maintain my stance that both your CDs and his books should be in a separate thread (or threads) independent of one dedicated to games and gaming-related articles. Some people would think breaking down the forums like that is too damaging and would make things too narrow but I disagree. I think having one solely for gaming indicates to me what kind of gamer a particular member is and another thread spotlighting their other finds indicates (to me) what other things they like. I think having it all in one place creates too much clutter and since this is a gaming-related board, the gaming should be the foremost things posted.
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    I'm not complaining about you. You're not the one with double standards.

    I could have sworn I wrote "This isn't about you" but I guess I deleted it before posting my earlier comment. I just want some friggin' consistency here. Don't snark about my non-video gaming items if you're going to post other non-video gaming stuff yourself. (This goes for everyone, this isn't a dig at you.)
    Quote Originally Posted by Edmond Dantes View Post
    I can't tell if we're discussing My Little Pony or Neon Genesis Evangelion anymore.
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    I don't get the complaints about "cluttering up" the thread, just scroll past the stuff you don't have interest in, its not causing any harm. back in the dialup days I can see how it would be an issue, and like others have said if a certain person posts stuff you find offensive or cluttering theres a convienient ignore feature, why ruin it for the 95% other people who enjoy varied posts?

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    It's really only one person bitching. He really is messing things up for everyone else. There's no reason to make a scene about it or anything.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blitzwing256 View Post
    seriously the find thread would be massviely boring without the unique stuff that differnt people find (particularly ks's posts) every gamer has unique other interests and its fun to see what they find along with video game finds. seriously its one person whining like a little bitch about it, splitting it into two threads defeats the purpose and makes a fun thread much too complicated I vote for leaving it as is and telling the one crybaby to go fuck himself quietly in the corner
    Spellchecker...seriously. You're mistaken btw, there were several people who expressed their thoughts about these non-gaming items being posted. The person who originally sparked it was Carey85. The person who got the ball rolling today was The 12P. My long winded posts might have been the most vocal on the subject but I'm HARDLY the only one who's had a difference of opinion on the matter. To that end, are comments like "one person whining like a little bitch" and "telling the one crybaby to go fuck himself quietly in the corner" really appropriate?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kitsune Sniper View Post
    I'm not complaining about you. You're not the one with double standards.

    I could have sworn I wrote "This isn't about you" but I guess I deleted it before posting my earlier comment. I just want some friggin' consistency here. Don't snark about my non-video gaming items if you're going to post other non-video gaming stuff yourself. (This goes for everyone, this isn't a dig at you.)
    Thanks for the clarification Kitsune. I agree with what you're saying. I stated my case above two weeks ago and not a thing was said otherwise by anyone else so I figured it was a moot point. Apparently that's not the case or else it wouldn't have sparked up again. And contrary to one person's view that a post asking that we actually DISCUSS the problem rather than let it fester, we're being subject to name calling, threats of violence, and heavy handedness condemning anyone who has a dissenting opinion.

    Quote Originally Posted by Blitzwing256 View Post
    I don't get the complaints about "cluttering up" the thread, just scroll past the stuff you don't have interest in, its not causing any harm. back in the dialup days I can see how it would be an issue, and like others have said if a certain person posts stuff you find offensive or cluttering theres a convienient ignore feature, why ruin it for the 95% other people who enjoy varied posts?
    If you want to construe said comments as "complaints" you're free to do so even if I personally don't think all of them are. I would think saying something but not offering a workable solution is perfectly viable to be labeled as complaining. I can only speak for my own responses but I offered a solution to what I deemed was a problem instead of just sitting back and grousing about it or making snide backhanded posts.

    The last two things you stated I also take issue with. I agree with you that it's easy to just scroll past pics I don't care as much about. Under the current rules, that's the only way to do it. Your solution is to just ignore that person. Really? It's that simple?!

    Oh wait...I like Kitsune, quite a bit. I don't much care for the CDs but that's not ALL he posts. Sometimes he happens upon some nice gaming stuff, like that copy of Hellfire he ended up selling to me. If I were to do as you say and just blank check ignore him, that fixes EVERYTHING right.....RIGHT?! Lastly, do you have verifiable proof that 95% of the people on here like things just the way they are? The hard data...I would love to see it.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flashback2012 View Post
    The last two things you stated I also take issue with. I agree with you that it's easy to just scroll past pics I don't care as much about. Under the current rules, that's the only way to do it. Your solution is to just ignore that person. Really? It's that simple?!
    I was the one that first mentioned that as a possible solution.

    If people don't want to see my finds, they can either block me or adblock my Photobucket folder. There.
    Quote Originally Posted by Edmond Dantes View Post
    I can't tell if we're discussing My Little Pony or Neon Genesis Evangelion anymore.
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    Quote Originally Posted by BetaWolf47 View Post
    It's really only one person bitching. He really is messing things up for everyone else. There's no reason to make a scene about it or anything.
    STOP. Seriously...just stop. Seeing as how no one else who expressed their discontenting POV over the CDs has posted since, I can only assume this response is targeted at me.

    It saddens me that you utterly fail at the concept of reading. Seriously, it's painful. Bitching....Ehl OH Ehl. Wow...if having a difference of opinion and offering a possible compromise is bitching, then I would HATE to see what your definition of a hostile viewpoint or a catastrophic calamity would be.

    In that regard, WHAT exactly would I be messing up? Do you have something tangible that I'm disrupting or are you just pulling this nonsense out of your backside? PapaStu requested that any further discussion of this be moved to this thread. That's EXACTLY what I did TWO WEEKS AGO. No one else who had issue said a word so I took that as they either didn't want to push the point or didn't give a flip and were just venting. I actually pursued it, nothing came about, so I left it as dead-in-the-water.

    But was it? Seriously. If it was, would Kitsune have encountered a post that he construed as backhanded? I can't speak for The 12P but it sure did seem like he took issue with Kitsune's CD posts. So here we are again, apparently all's NOT well and I figured it might be time to bring up that point again by directing people to this thread so we could actually discuss it possibly and see if A) nothing's broke and we leave it be or B) we develop a compromise solution so there's no more snippy comments that has the mods ready to temp-ban people over.

    As for "making a scene", it wasn't even me who set this fire in the first place!! Nor was it me who re-ignited it! Both times this has come up in the last two weeks, it's moved Kitsune to state that he either won't post his CD finds or post at all. Do I want that to happen? NO!!!

    I know my posts tend to be wordy but I want you to go back through them and point out where I said I wanted Kitsune to stop posting. Actually, I'll save you the trouble; because you won't find any wording like that. What was stated was while I find non-gaming finds to be annoying sometimes, my reasoning is because I'm on a GAMING forum and would prefer there to be at the very least a GAMING and NON-GAMING finds thread. But that's just CRAZY talk right?!

    The situation presented a chance to possibly develop a compromise for those who also shared a similar viewpoint as myself and I saw the opportunity to post about it. Again, if people saw those responses and resigned them to be merely bitching...well, we're pretty f'ed as a society if those individuals ever attain a position of power and responsibility. that I got that out of my system, let's wrap this up. My apologies to Kitsune for using him repeatedly as an example but it is what set this off originally. That said, his CDs may not be my thing, but rather than post a backhanded comment about it, I'd rather a compromise be worked out so that such a thing wouldn't come up in the first place. As stated before, my contribution to this was to have a few separate threads. For those who have been complaining about the "complaining" going on, what's your contribution? Obviously keeping things as they are isn't the answer, otherwise Kitsune wouldn't have been subjected to the post by 12P.

    C'mon...hopefully something a little better than "Y'all need to STFU and accept it as is" because I can guarantee you I'll use that same rebuttal on you should you EVER bitch about anything on this board from here on out.
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    I got halfway through this post and realized I'd need to effectively overdose on Advil to keep the headache at bay that this post was creating.

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    Quote Originally Posted by portnoyd View Post
    I got halfway through this post and realized I'd need to effectively overdose on Advil to keep the headache at bay that this post was creating.
    My apologies Port. Welcome to the thread!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kitsune Sniper View Post
    I decided to not post pictures of any finds if I didn't get anything gaming related, to offer a bit of compromise to the people who complained about my music stuff. But since some people really didn't care and kept complaining, I don't know what to do anymore.
    [spoiler][/spoiler] would be a better compromise for your non gaming finds if spoiler tags worked here, not sure how easy it would be to add them in.

    I don't post alot of excess BS for my finds here since I know not everyone is going to be interested in it and will just scroll past it but I do post it at CAG with spoiler tags for people like me who are interested in reading about other details and crazy stuff that happens while on the hunt.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Flashback2012 View Post
    I was actually referring to The 1 2 P, but you've made your point. I apologize if it seemed like I was attacking you.

    If it's becoming an issue though, we should work on a solution, should anything need to be changed. I don't agree with people not being able to post non-gaming finds in the finds thread. We should have some kind of syntax, like people have in the buy/sell/trade forums. For example, not being able to post images of nongaming finds, only hyperlinks to images of nongaming finds. Would it be an issue to have it go like this?



    Music and movies:


    No clutter for people who don't want to see nongaming finds, and pictures for people who do.

    A separate thread might also work.
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    I enjoy Kitsune Sniper's and other people's non-gaming finds personally and I hope that they don't stop posting them because of this mess.
    Last edited by pseudonym; 05-15-2011 at 07:49 PM.

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    perhaps I was a bit rude there, I apologize

    but seriously I get irittated when too many rules are attached to something fun like this, as one who does many types of finds, having to divide shit up is pointless, so if we went with the two threads people would have to take multiple pictures of stuff? and then there would be conflict (again with the 1-2 whiny people) over what counts and what doesn' does my mortal kombat soundtrack count? how about that ragnarok manga? or what....just no, it'll turn into people just not bothering anymore. and i'd really not like to see it end like that.

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    Speaking as a longtime lurker and sometime poster, I quite enjoy the finds thread. The way things are now, with posts not being restricted to just game finds, is excellent. Restricting the pictures to just game related finds and having hyperlinks for other finds is not something I would like to see as I sometimes just scroll past most posts until I find a post with pictures. I don't want to miss something interesting because someone was not allowed to post a picture of their find. Thanks

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    Quote Originally Posted by Flashback2012 View Post
    My apologies Port. Welcome to the thread!
    Ah fuck, now blood is shooting out of my nose. Thanks a fucking lot.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flashback2012 View Post
    STOP. Seriously...just stop. Seeing as how no one else who expressed their discontenting POV over the CDs has posted since, I can only assume this response is targeted at me.
    SIMMER DOWN. Good god. No one is attacking you. I knew right off the bat who BetaWolf was talking about and no where in that post did it even come close to targeting you. You now HAVE gone after people twice in this thread. You've gone and picked up your pitchfork and aren't even reading whats going on before you post. So YOU JUST STOP.

    It saddens me that you utterly fail at the concept of reading. Seriously, it's painful. Bitching....Ehl OH Ehl. Wow...if having a difference of opinion and offering a possible compromise is bitching, then I would HATE to see what your definition of a hostile viewpoint or a catastrophic calamity would be.
    The only one bitching at the moment is you. A difference of opinion is one thing, but what you're now is beyond that.

    In that regard, WHAT exactly would I be messing up? Do you have something tangible that I'm disrupting or are you just pulling this nonsense out of your backside? PapaStu requested that any further discussion of this be moved to this thread. That's EXACTLY what I did TWO WEEKS AGO. No one else who had issue said a word so I took that as they either didn't want to push the point or didn't give a flip and were just venting. I actually pursued it, nothing came about, so I left it as dead-in-the-water.
    You weren't messing anything up then.... NOW you are. Again, his post WAS NOT AIMED AT YOU. Now you're on the offensive and attacking other users. If you really want to do right by something like this, you need to be rational, make your point, calmly discuss dissension and hope that people understand your point.

    But was it? Seriously. If it was, would Kitsune have encountered a post that he construed as backhanded? I can't speak for The 12P but it sure did seem like he took issue with Kitsune's CD posts. So here we are again, apparently all's NOT well and I figured it might be time to bring up that point again by directing people to this thread so we could actually discuss it possibly and see if A) nothing's broke and we leave it be or B) we develop a compromise solution so there's no more snippy comments that has the mods ready to temp-ban people over.

    As for "making a scene", it wasn't even me who set this fire in the first place!! Nor was it me who re-ignited it! Both times this has come up in the last two weeks, it's moved Kitsune to state that he either won't post his CD finds or post at all. Do I want that to happen? NO!!!
    Guess what, sometimes OTHERS don't leave shit in the water, even if you do. THis was one of those cases. Again, all one can do in one of those is to CALMLY state their point, rebute the post in a sensible and calm manner or do an agree to disagree and leave it alone. In this case, leaving it alone would be to let the highly paid modding staff do their job and make the appropriate corrections.

    I know my posts tend to be wordy but I want you to go back through them and point out where I said I wanted Kitsune to stop posting. Actually, I'll save you the trouble; because you won't find any wording like that. What was stated was while I find non-gaming finds to be annoying sometimes, my reasoning is because I'm on a GAMING forum and would prefer there to be at the very least a GAMING and NON-GAMING finds thread. But that's just CRAZY talk right?!

    The situation presented a chance to possibly develop a compromise for those who also shared a similar viewpoint as myself and I saw the opportunity to post about it. Again, if people saw those responses and resigned them to be merely bitching...well, we're pretty f'ed as a society if those individuals ever attain a position of power and responsibility. that I got that out of my system, let's wrap this up. My apologies to Kitsune for using him repeatedly as an example but it is what set this off originally. That said, his CDs may not be my thing, but rather than post a backhanded comment about it, I'd rather a compromise be worked out so that such a thing wouldn't come up in the first place. As stated before, my contribution to this was to have a few separate threads. For those who have been complaining about the "complaining" going on, what's your contribution? Obviously keeping things as they are isn't the answer, otherwise Kitsune wouldn't have been subjected to the post by 12P.

    C'mon...hopefully something a little better than "Y'all need to STFU and accept it as is" because I can guarantee you I'll use that same rebuttal on you should you EVER bitch about anything on this board from here on out.
    You were ok here until you used that damn smiley a second time. That basically makes anything you say end with, eat a dick and kiss my ass because i'm not going to listen to what anyone's got to say.

    People listen up. Finds, again are WHAT PEOPLE LIKE THEM TO BE. As I posted in the first post in this thread, they can be whatever someone wants it to be, but it needs to stay in the Monthly Finds thread. Considering that we've had more than a few problems playing nice, and from what i'm seeing, most of those who've felt the need to comment on this situation have said they are fine with it. Splitting the threads apart isn't going to be necessary, as

    Find a Hot Wheel in your toy box AND FEEL THE FUCKING NEED TO POST ABOUT IT? GO AHEAD.

    Went to GameStop at launch bought Halo 7: Modern Tea & Crumpets Edition AND FEEL THE FUCKING NEED TO POST ABOUT IT? GO AHEAD.

    Was at the flea market and bought some music that only the artists mother could love AND FEEL THE FUCKING NEED TO POST ABOUT IT? GO AHEAD.

    Walking down the street find a box of very used Playboys complete w/ stains AND FEEL THE FUCKING NEED TO POST ABOUT IT? GO AHEAD (well, cover shots only, as bewbs as nice as they are, don't need to be posted here).

    Getting my drift? Good. I know that we're a fairly tight community, but people need to get some thicker skin about this and if they know that they are in the right continue to go on with their postings. We get continued jabs or derailing and I don't see it/address it, feel free to either report the post, or PM me. That will make sure that I do see it so I can take care of it.
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