My S-video hookup for these systems gives me an ugly mesh pattern over the picture. Same problem on SNES, N64, and Gamecube, with the same cable. I'm pretty sure it's the cable because the systems are fine in composite and my Saturn looks fine through s-video on the same TV. Also with some fiddling I noticed that black & white images aren't affected. So I guess it's a problem with the chroma wiring in the cable. This isn't my first Nintendo s-video cable, either.
So just get a first-party Gamecube s-video cable, right? Trouble is, such a thing is not on Nintendo's online store, or even listed (regardless of availability) on Amazon or Gamestop. Plenty of random third-party ones out there, of course. I know I'm only out a few bucks if I buy one and it doesn't work out, but I'd really like to just get one that I know works properly and be done with it.
Why am I having such a hard time with s-video on Nintendo systems? And can anybody point me to a surefire s-video hookup?