Since I'm one of the resident Tecmo Super Bowl nuts here I thought I should creat a thead that can hold all things related to Tecmo Bowl. I get quite a few PM's about getting updated rosters on NES carts so I felt it should be on the board and not just in private PM's. So let this thread be about where to find all the current Tecmo Rom's and which ones are the best and how to get them on carts. Lets also make this thread about anything related to Tecmo Bowl and Tecmo Super Bowl.
So for those interested here is what you need to do to get a new Tecmo Super Bowl on your NES complete with updated teams, stats and atributes. First here are some pictures of my new Tecmo Super Bowl game.
the cart
in the NES
powered on
Mike Vick is the new QB Eagles
Here is what you do. First find the Rom you want. If you find a really good one make sure you post it here for everyone else. A lot of great Rom's can be found here:
Once you find the Rom then you need find someone to put it on a cart. There are both NES and SNES Rom hacks. For NES roms there is Leonk who posts here on DP and has this site: maybe someone else knows of a good SNES cart reproducer
Then there is this site : which made a NCAA version of Tecmo Super Bowl and has a bunch of other great links.