In another post, I stated that there is some doubt in the financial world as to whether or not Microsoft will in fact release another home video game system. The reason behind this is because, as many other companies have found out, it is very hard to compete in a Japanese dominated industry when you are an American company. Regardless, of Microsoft's deep financial pockets, I wanted to hear your comments on this issue.

Please refrain from any Sony, Nintendo, or Microsoft bashing! You may post whatever you like, but I will say this. I am stock holder of all three companies, and I own all three systems as well, so I could care less! I do not have a favorite! I can play Gears of War, then play Wii Sports, while getting ready to do some serious damage in Resistance Fall of Man!

The purpose of this post is to have an intellectual conversation about where you personally think the industry is headed within 5-10 years! Will there be a Sony Playstation 4? Most analysts would say yes! Will there be another Nintendo home game system. Almost all the analysts in our industry would agree!

Ready to start? Okay, off to the comments.....this should get interesting!