I realize that this was inevitable and that Capcom is simply the first major publisher(of the current ones still making limited exclusives)to put it in writing, but it still bears repeating. So from here on out, no more console exclusives: http://www.gamepro.com/article/news/...s-says-capcom/

Eagle eye readers(or those that actually pay attention to details) will notice that in the article it actually says they will no longer publish "major titles" as console exclusives. At first I figured this meant that they would make DS or PSP specific titles that they wouldn't port to consoles. Then I started to think maybe this would apply to certain compilations they release. But I hope it's the former and not the latter because I'd hate to think that a certain console(or consoles) would have to miss out on a specific compilation just because Capcom doesn't view it as a major release.