Quote Originally Posted by Aussie2B View Post
Eternal Poison and Persona 4 both have soundtracks and artbooks. The CDs are in the packages, while the artbooks are pre-order bonuses. Atlus says the bonuses are available from Amazon, GameStop/EB, and Game Crazy.
Yep, the three games come all standard with soundtrack CDs, and Ar Tonelico 2 comes standard with an additional artbooklet. (probably just in the regular case)

With Ar Tonelico, you get a CD and artbook in the packaging, but you can get an extra soundtrack from Rosenqueen. Rosenqueen is the only option for that one. They say it's limited to so-so copies, so if you want it, sooner would probably be better than later. I assume the soundtrack is just some item previously available to Japanese consumers. Kinda silly having two soundtracks, though. I don't know why they can't just make one album with all the tracks from the game.
As I understood the Rosenqueen pre-order bonus items for Ar Tonelico 2 include an additional soundtrack (I agree, kinda silly to have two soundtracks), but I also thought it comes with an additional artbooklet besides the standard one...which would make it two soundtracks and two artbooklets.


Quote Rosenqueen: "12 pages of full color art booklet that aren't in Official Art Collection."

Is that a separate artbook? or an extended version of the artbook in the game? or even on the CD? When I read these pre-order stuff I feel like an idiot. Either I don't understand it, or they are intentionally vague in order to boost sales.

If someone gets TWO soundtracks and TWO artbooklets it certainly saves the trip to a symphony or the Chicago Art Museum.

Thanks for the heads up on Baroque, I think I may go for that.

EDIT: The PS2 version of Baroque is showing up as $34.99 for me. o_O Maybe they already blew through however many they were offering at the discount?
Sorry you missed it. But it might come back even a bit cheaper in a couple of days or weeks. I missed Innocent Life for $17 from Amazon, but I'm sure that one will be offered for the same price again soon.