I'm surprised nobody thought of this on Thanksgiving. So as the midnight hour approaches on this day, I wanna give thanks for 3 games that helped shape my life before the day is done.

Burgertime -- My very FIRST video game.

Vandal Hearts/Suikoden -- I know I listed two games, but playing these games at my cousin's place, I was instantly hooked. Made me realized how fun, exciting, and beautiful RPGs really are.

Donkey Kong -- I haven't played this game a lot myself, so why am I giving thanks? Without it, Nintendo wouldn't had made its first successful break into the American gaming market, thus will not have been around to revive the video game industry years later and provide us with some of the happiest moment of our childhood.

Those are three games I'm thankful. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Btw, remember to eat lots of turkey!