Quote Originally Posted by Spleeze View Post
It doesn't make sense to me to go out and buy some fake clone nonsense, to play real games in.
It doesn't make sense to you.

It makes sense to a lot of other people.

You can debate the notion until you're blue in the face, not going to change the fact that clone systems have proven to be immensely popular with both collectors and casual gamers alike and the companies that make them are going to continue to do so as long as there's any amount of interest.

Sure, they're not substitutes for actual hardware in terms of functionality or universal compatibility, but they provide a list of novelties and conveniences and in this upcoming generation of clones will feature things that real console hardware can't do (HDMI, filtering, save-states, etc.).

If it doesn't "make sense" to you, I'd recommend not spending too much time with it because they're not going away anytime soon ... in fact, we'll probably see more of them as time goes on.