Quote Originally Posted by Tanooki View Post
New bad news on the Retron5 front.

We're up to a trifecta of garbage now. Lies, missed dates, and now the price.

It will not retail for $100, it's at $130-140 at this point supposedly due to part cost increases and their extra time adding more frills to the OS on it.

It will be out mid-May looking at things for $30-40 more than promised if this promise means anything this time.

As I see it, now the Ouya is the better deal. Both are emulators, both use ROMS, both can use original controllers (with USB dongle on Ouya), and now the Ouya costs around a 1/3 less money and offers more than just ROMs to play. I can't say I'm not interested anymore, but I won't pay that much for what it does so I guess I'll wait for someone to be unsatisfied with it or it takes a price hit because no one will pay that much for an emulator box.
Thank gawd for preorders. I wanted to support StoneAge gamer, but looks like they'll be taking a loss on my preorder now, especially stacked with a fat 15% off coupon. Now I kinda wish I'd used Amazon's preorder price guarantee instead, since they can better take the hit than SAG.